

Friday, May 25, 2012

Arab Saudi : Kurang kouta haji tiada kaitan dengan Bersih 3.0 rupanya..

Ketua Dewan Ulama PAS Pahang, Ustaz Mokhtar Senik berkata kerajaan Arab Saudi tidak pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa kouta haji untuk jemaah Malaysia dikurangkan disebabkan demonstrasi Bersih 3.0 di Madinah dan Mekah hujung bulan lalu.

"Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri jangan bohong, tidak ada satupun kenyataan dari Arab Saudi yang menyatakan kouta jemaah kita dikurangkan kerana isu Bersih 3.0.

"Saya telefon sahabat-sahabat di Arab Saudi, mereka bagi tahu tidak satu pun berita tentang kouta dikurangkan kerana Bersih 3.0, satu berita kolum kecil pun tak ada," ujar Ustaz Mokhtar Senik dalam ceramahnya dekat sini.

Beliau berkata demikian pada ceramah di Jalan Tiang Tua, Pengkalan Minyak di sini malam tadi.

Beliau berkata kerajaan BN cuba untuk memburukkan Bersih 3.0 dengan mengaitkan isu kouta haji dengan penganjuran bantahan aman itu di Arab Saudi.

Roboh untuk buat yang baru

"Apa yang berlaku kouta haji semua negara dikurangkan kerana tindakan mereka merobohkan penempatan jemaah haji untuk digantikan dengan penempatan baru.

"Jadi oleh kerana ianya belum siap maka kouta tersebut dikurangkan.

"Tidak berbangkit langsung soal kemarahan kerajaan Arab Saudi terhadap demonstrasi Bersih 3.0," tegas Ustaz Mokhtar (gambar).

Menurut Ustaz Mokhtar, kerajaan Arab Saudi mempunyai pegawai-pegawai kedutaan mereka di Malaysia yang memantau dan meneliti himpunan Bersih 3.0.

"Pegawai-pegawai kedutaan mereka bukan duduk diam, mereka mengkaji objektif himpunan Bersih dan mereka melaporkan kepada Duta dan kerajaan mereka.

"Mereka tahu dan faham apa tujuan dan objektif Bersih 3.0, amat malang apabila kerajaan BN cuba menipu rakyat sekali lagi," tambah Ustaz Mokhtar.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kerana Scorpene Najib kini popular di Kanada

Artikel atau laporan ini telah disiarkan oleh sebuah portal berita on-line dari Kanada, ianya menyebut nama Najib, Altantuya, Razak Baginda, Kapal selam Scorpene dan rasuah bernilai RM500 Juta..

Semakin popularlah Najib nampaknya...

Baca terjemahan secara bebas oleh Harakahdaily ini..

Inkuiri di mahkamah Perancis telah memulakan siasatan yang bakal menghubungkan segala titik mengenai Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Razak, pembelian dua kapal selam Perancis, rasuah sebanyak RM500 juta dan pembunuhan terhadap model Mongolia oleh para pengawal beliau.

Inkuiri berkamera yang diketuai hakim Roger Le Loire dan Serge Tournaire, yang cukup berpengalaman dalam kes korupsi dan hak asasi manusia, akan cuba membongkar samada syarikat pertahanan Perancis, DCNS dan rakan projeknya Thales International telah membayar rasuah untuk mendapat kontrak pada 2002 untuk membekal dua kapal selam Scorpene kepada tentera laut Malaysia.

Inkuiri tersebut adalah berdasarkan penyiasatan selama dua tahun dan pengumpulan bukti oleh polis Perancis.

Kontrak tersebut dimeterai ketika Najib masih menjadi Menteri Pertahanan dan perhatian khusus diberikan kepada peranan yang dimainkan oleh kawan karib dan penasihat politik beliau, Abdul Razak Baginda.

Pegawai berkuasa Perancis telah memaklumkan bahawa mereka sangat berminat terhadap dua bayaran yang dibuat oleh pembuat senjata Perancis.

Satunya berjumlah Euro 114 juta yang dibayar kepada syarikat Malaysia bernama Perimekar untuk kemudahan pengangkutan.

Pada waktu itu, Perimekar dalah dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Razak Baginda dan isterinya Mazalinda.

Pihak majistret Perancis juga ingin mencari kebenaran di sebalik pembayaran Euro 36 juta kepada sebuah syarikat bernama Terasasi, yang pada asalnya dikorporatkan di Malaysia sebelum dipindahkan pendaftarannya ke Hong Kong, di mana berdasarkan Asia Sentinel adalah antara 142 syarikat yang mendaftar di Wan Chai.

Pengarah berdaftar Terasasi adalah Razak Baginda dan ayahnya Abdul Malim Baginda.

Persoalan mengenai pembelian kapal selam menjadi hangat dan tajam pada Oktober 2006 selepas cebisan mayat model Mongolia dan penterjemah Altantuya Shaariibuu dijumpai di hutan di luar Kuala Lumpur.

Beliau telah ditembak di kepala dan terdapat cubaan untuk memusnah mayat beliau dengan bom C4 milik tentera.

Altantuya merupakan bekas kekasih Razak Baginda dan beliau kali terakhir dilihat di luar rumah kekasihnya yang menimbulkan situasi tidak senang.

Beberapa tahun yang lalu, Altantuya merupakan seorang model di Perancis dan pada2004 beliau mengiringi Razak Baginda sebagai penterjemah semasa beliau merunding kontrak Scorpene.

Dalam satu surat tulisan beliau yang dijumpai selepas beliau dibunuh, menyatakan beliau ingin berdepan dengan Razak Baginda dan menuntut USD 500 juta sebagai harga untuk menutup mulut beliau dalam kontrak pembelian Scorpene.

Kes ini tidak diendahkan oleh mahkamah Malaysia, yang dikuasai golongan politik.

Walaupun Razak Baginda dan dua orang bekas pengawal Najib, Azilah Hadri dan Sirul Azhar Umar didakwa dengan pembunuhan, keputusan kes tersebut adalah pincang dan tidak menjawab banyak persoalan.

Dalam satu drama mahkamah yang menakjubkan, Razak Baginda tidak dipanggil untuk menjawab tuduhan bersubahat membunuh Altantuya, dan dilepaskan dan kini tinggal di Britain.

Para pengawal peribadi Najib telah menerima padah dan telah dijatuhkan hukuman mati. Mereka sedang dalam proses rayuan tetapi pendengaran telah ditangguhkan.

Spekulasi berkata pendengaran itu tidak akan berlaku sehingga lepas pilihanraya umum yang bakal tiba, dijangka Jun, di mana jika Najib dan kerajaannya mengekalkan kuasa, dijangka satu cara akan difikirkan untuk membalas kesetiaan pengawalnya.

Selepas gagal mendapat penyiasatan penuh ke atas skandal Scorpene di Malaysia, ramai aktivis hak asasi manusia dan keluarga Altantuya telah meletakkan harapan kepada penyiasatan Perancis.

Namun demikian, terdapat sedikit kekecewaan apabila mengetahui bahawa hakim Le Loire dan Tournaire hanya boleh menyiasat tuduhan rasuah dan bukan pembunuhan Altantuya.

Akan tetapi, 10 hari yang lepas, Suaram Malaysia telah diberikan kebenaran untuk memberikan penerangan kepada hakim secara peribadi.

Jurucakap Suaram berkata mereka telah menceritakan skandal Scorpene ini daripada konteks politik Malaysia dan memberikan hakim senarai saksi-saksi yang dikehendaki.

Antara senarai itu ialah Razak Baginda, dan telah ada laporan bahawa hakim akan cuba mengeluarkan subpoena terhadap beliau daripada Britain.

Tetapi akan ada yang tidak mengendahkan senarai itu, termasuk nama Najib.

Namun begitu, ayah Altantuya, Setev Shaariibuu berkata beliau ingin ke Perancis daripada Mongolia dan percaya perbualan terakhir bersama anak perempuannya akan dapat menghubungkan segala titik yang tergantung dalam skandal Scorpene ini kepada hakim di sana.

Artikel asal sila baca di Vancouver Sun

source : http://darisungaiderhaka.blogspot.com/2012/05/panas-scandal-scorpene-disiarkan-di.html

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kajian Boston Consulting Group : 65% pengurus Felda percaya penyenaraian akan gagal

Satu kajian perunding yang dilantik Felda mendapati 65 peratus pengurus kanan Felda percaya bahawa penyenaraian Felda Global Ventures Berhad (FGVH) akan gagal kerana lembaga tersebut tidak bersedia.

Perunding bebas itu, Boston Consulting Group, juga mendapati bahawa 55 peratus pengurus kanan lembaga itu tidak bersedia untuk rancangan penyenaraian itu.

Malah, hanya 20 peratus dari kalangan pengurus berkenaan yang menyokong rancangan tersebut, menurut kajian itu lagi.

Kajian tersebut mengambil kira pandangan daripada 30 pengurus kanan dalam Felda.

Hasil kajian itu dikemukakan November lalu kepada jawatankuasa pemandu untuk penyenaraian tersebut, yang diketuai pengerusi Felda Tan Sri Isa Samad.

Sementara itu, semakan ke atas prospektus untuk penyenaraian itu menunjukkan bahawa 53 peratus daripada pokok kelapa sawit di tanah rancangan Felda sudahpun tua, selain 31 peratus pokok muda dan hanya 16 peratus pokok matang.

Sedangkan satu syarikat lain mempunyai 78 peratus pokok matang, 15 peratus pokok muda dan hanya 7 peratus pokok tua, menurut PKR yang membuat bandingan itu.

Berdasarkan perkara itu, PKR sekali lagi mempersoalkan niat sebenar kerajaan untuk menyenaraikan FGVH.

Langkah penyenaraian itu tidak harus dibuat dengan niat politik, menurut PKR.

'Saya lihat artis masukkan wang RM1 juta'

Bekas pemandu kepada pelakon Zahida Rafik hari ini tampil mendakwa bahawa beliau pernah menemani aktres itu untuk memasukkan duit berjumlah RM1 juta yang didakwa diberikan oleh Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal.

Noor Azman Azemi yang muncul kali pertama di khalayak umum berkata berkata jumlah tersebut merupakan jumlah paling tinggi yang pernah dibawa untuk dimasukkan dalam akaun milik Zahida, pada tahun lalu.

NONE"Yang paling rendah sebanyak RM100,000... Saya tak tahu dalam beg ada RM 1juta. Itu nilai paling tinggi," katanya sambil mengesahkan ia dibawa masuk ke dalam bank dalam bentuk tunai.

Noor Azman (gambar kanan) menjadi perhatian selepas membuat laporan polis pada 13 Mac sebagai reaksi atas dakwaan beliau melarikan diri dengan wang Zahida sebanyak RM200,000.

Laporan polis itu didedahkan oleh Ketua Wanita PKR Zuraida Kamaruddin pada 18 April. Zahida dan Shafie bagaimanapun menafikan dakwaan itu dan akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang.

source : http://malaysiakini.com/news/198089

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Daughter of Federal Territory Minister, Raja Nong Chik won RM30mil government tender?

I have actually known Raja Nong Chik since back in the 1980s and even then he was already a successful government contractor. And I am sure that after almost 30 years of ‘printing money’ he must be pretty wealthy by now. Hence, financing his bid for the Parliament seat of Lembah Pantai should be child’s play for him. And ‘financing’ the voters to vote for him should be no effort as well.

Raja Petra Kamarudin

On 24th August 2010, a company by the name of Istijuara Sdn Bhd was awarded a government contract amounting to RM30,800,000 by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. You can see the details below.

Now, that may appear quite normal. After all, billions of government contracts are awarded every year. So what’s a small RM30 million or so against the backdrop of hundreds of billions?

The only problem with this ‘small’ RM30 million contract is that Istijuara Sdn Bhd is owned by Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin, the Minister of Federal Territories and Urban Well-being. And this is not his only company and this is not the only government contract that his companies have been awarded.
If you think that Shahrizat Jalil’s RM250 million NFC cow project is a cardinal sin, wait till you see how much Raja Nong Chik’s companies have taken. Raja Nong Chik’s contacts make Shahrizat’s RM250 million look like chicken feed by comparison.

Raja Nong Chik’s 26-year old daughter, Raja Farhana, is listed as one of the two Directors of the company. 

She also owns 399,999 of the 400,000 shares. That means she is practically the sole owner of the company with the other Director owning only one share.

The company, which was incorporated almost 20 years ago when Raja Farhana was still in standard one, has losses carried forward amounting to about a quarter of a million Ringgit and current liabilities of about RM400,000 -- against current assets of about half a million and a share capital of RM400,000.

This does not give a very bright outlook of the company’s finances but I am sure this RM30 million contract can clean up the company’s balance sheet soon enough.

I have actually known Raja Nong Chik since back in the 1980s and even then he was already a successful government contractor. And I am sure that after almost 30 years of ‘printing money’ he must be pretty wealthy by now. Hence, financing his bid for the Parliament seat of Lembah Pantai should be child’s play for him. And ‘financing’ the voters to vote for him should be no effort as well.

On top of that, there is the RM1.5 billion EPF funds at his disposal to pay for the thousands of low cost houses that he is soon going to dish out to Kuala Lumpur residents, in particular to those in Lembah Pantai. With all that, how to lose the Lembah Pantai seat?

The question is, putting aside Raja Nong Chik’s enormous wealth -- which was actually our money to start off with -- do you want a Member of Parliament like this to represent you in Lembah Pantai?

Granted, PKR has a host of problems and is not the most organised party in Malaysia. Also, granted, Nurul Izzah Anwar does not have tens of millions to dish out to buy your votes. But if it is good governance, honesty and integrity that you are looking for in your Member of Parliament, instead of Raja Nong Chik you are better off with Al Capone. At least, with Al Capone, Valentine’s Day would be celebrated with a bang, or rather plenty of bangs.

source: http://www.malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/49373-is-this-whom-you-want-as-your-mp

Monday, May 14, 2012

Najib disambut laungan 'Bersih' di London

Kehadiran Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak di satu pertemuan bersama warga Malaysia di London semalam disambut dengan laungan slogan BERSIH oleh sebahagian hadirin.

Sorakan slogan itu bermula apabila Najib mula mengambil tempat di atas pentas dan berlarutan ketika beliau memulakan ucapannya.

Sorakan slogan itu menyebabkan Najib hilang tumpuan untuk meneruskan ucapannya dan terpaksa merayu supaya sorakan itu dihentikan.
"Bolehkah anda tolong berhenti? Boleh tolong berhenti," rayu Najib seperti dirakamkan dalam satu video yang dimuatkan di laman Youtube.

Rayuan Najib itu disambut oleh seorang hadirin yang bertanya mengenai hak mereka untuk mengundi.

"Kami mahu mengundi. Kenapa anda tak bagi kami mengundi?" tanya individu itu di majlis tersebut.

Najib kemudian cuba menenangkan kumpulan tersebut agar beliau boleh meneruskan ucapannya.

"Anda boleh jumpa saya kemudian ok...bolehkah anda tolong hentikannya?" kata Najib.

Sorakan tersebut kemudiannya surut dan Najib meneruskan ucapannya seperti biasa.
Acara yang dinamakan ‘An Evening with the Prime Minister’ itu dianjurkan Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia di lokasi berprestij O2 Arena di kota tersebut.

Program berkenaan diuar-uarkan sebagai satu acara untuk membolehkan rakyat Malaysia di London berinteraksi secara tidak formal dengan perdana menteri.

source : http://malaysiakini.com/news/197944

Anda tak tahu apa dia 8 tuntutan BERSIH3.0? 
Tuntutan ini sama seperti tuntutan BERSIH2.0, (yang dituduh menyokong komunis), dan kini BERSIH3.0 dituduh menyokong Lesbian,Gay, Biseksual & Transeksual (LGBT) hanya kerana Ambiga hadir ke majlis LBGT atas kapisiti individu (bukan sebagai wakil BERSIH ke majlis tersebut). Malangnya takde pun dalam 8 tuntutan BERSIH tersebut. Ianya hanya mainan pihak media supaya rakyat takut untuk bersuara. Kenapa? Siapa yg takut? Apa yang ditakutkannya kalau rakyat cuma minta 8 perkara di bawah sahaja. Anda fikirlah sendiri?
Adakah 8 perkara di bawah ini ancaman kepada negara?

DS Nizar hadiri Majlis UMNO bertajuk 'Nizar Pembohong Bersiri'


Penjelasan drpd DS Nizar tentang apa yg sebenarnya berlaku.Ada ke pemimpin UMNO yang berani buat camni? 


Melalui laman twitternya, Dato Seri Nizar Jamaluddin mendedahkan bagaimana beliau duduk dimeja utama ceramah anjuran Umno yang bertajuk 'Nizar pembohong bersiri'.

Ceramah tersebut yang diadakan berhampiran dengan ceramah Pakatan Rakyat di Tualang Sekah, Kampar.

Sebelum tiba gilirannya untuk berceramah, DS Nizar telah berkunjung ke tempat ceramah Umno, lalu duduk dimeja utama penceramah. Turut berada dimeja utama tersebut adalah Dato Radzi Manan, Dato Shaarani dan Hanafiah Man.

Melihatkan kelibat DS Nizar yang duduk dimeja utama, mereka begitu terkejut, panik dan pucat, terketar-ketar menuturkan kata. Hanafiah Man yang sedang asyik menghentam DS Nizar terus menukar topiknya kepada Ambiga dan DS Anwar Ibrahim.
Kebanyakan yang hadir diceramah tersebut adalah orang-orang Kampar yang begitu mengenali DS Nizar serta keluarganya. Manakala yang datang berceramah menghentam beliau adalah orang luar.

Dengan kehadiran DS Nizar disitu, terserlahlah siapa pembohong bersiri yang sebenar-benarnya.

Tahniah buat DS Nizar yang berani datang secara berdepan, bukan seperti penceramah Umno yang hanya berani melalak dari jauh menggunakan kekuatan speaker semata

Sumber laporan dan gambar : Ajijoi
Aku tak tahu nak komen apa bila melihat wajah DS Nizar yang tersengih kat meja penceramah tu... ha..ha..ha.. tak patut DS.. habis terkancing gigi depa tu...

Lepas ni aku rasa kalau dijemput buat ceramah kat situ.. mati hidup balikpun penceramah dari UMNO tu tak mahu pergi...

Kah..kah..kah.. malu weh!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Azwan Ali berang bila Ummi Hafilda heret Ibunya dalam Buletin Utama TV3 demi matlamat politik

Berang melihat Ibunya diperkudakan oleh TV3 dalam Buletin Utama melalui kakaknya Ummi Hafilda dalam menyerang Abangnya Azmin Ali, Azwan Ali mengamuk di laman Twitter.

Demi untuk memburukkan darah dagingnya sendiri Ummi Hafilda telah tampil dengan mengheret Ibunya dalam Buletin Utama semalam 5 Mei 2012.

Menurut Azwan sebagaimana yang disiarkan dalam laman Twitternya, kebiasaannya beliau bersedia untuk menonton berita tetapi semalam beliau tidak sanggup menontonnya bila Ibunya diperalat.

Beliau juga mempertikaikan pihak yang telah mengkritik peserta Himpunan BERSIH 3.0 yang dikatakan biadap, sedangkan pihak mereka sendiri ternyata lebih biadap bila sanggup memperalatkan Ibunya demi kepentingan politik mereka.

Malah simpati juga dilahirkan buat Ibunya yang sanggup mendedahkan keburukkan anaknya sendiri setelah diperalat Puak Bangkai Bernyawa yang Desperado Seats (Dia kata kat puak UMNO la ni…)

Dalam laman Twitter miliknya, Azwan mempersoalkan siapa mereka yang mahu bercakap soal kebenaran, adakah mereka Malaikat? tambahnya lagi tunggulah hingga akhirat.. kenapa perlu mengheret Ibunya untuk memburukkan anak yang dilahirkannya?

Lagi apa kata Azwan korang bacalah apa yang tertulis dalam print screen di bawah ni..

Berdasarkan apa yang berlaku dalam keluarga Azwan Ali ini, jelas pihak UMNO akan melakukan apa saja untuk merealisasikan hasrat mereka untuk menjahanamkan karrier politik Azmin Ali hatta mengheret Ibunya sekali kedalam perkara ini.. Biarpun memporak perandakan sebuah keluarga..

Adakah anda masih yakin Pilihanraya Umum ke 13 ini akan benar-benar bersih?

Berikut pula adalah video yang dimainkan dalam kebanyakkan Blog-blog pencacai UMNO untuk menyerang Azmin Ali..

source : http://darisungaiderhaka.blogspot.com/2012/05/azwan-ali-berang-bila-ummi-hafilda.html?spref=fb

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Scorpene scandal: Terasasi (owned by Razak BAginda) received RM1.44million

What is not known to Malaysians is that another French company was named alongside the now infamous Perimeker in the scorpene deal.
By Dr Kua Kia Soong

Having had the privilege of looking at some of the Paris Papers on the Scorpene scandal recently, it
behooves me to give anxious land-lubbers a “hitchhiker’s guide” to this convoluted mesh of payments that have gone on to grease this most expensive (more than RM7 billion) arms purchase in Malaysia’s history.

Since SUARAM lodged its complaint with the French courts for a judicial review of the Scorpene contract in November 2009, the French prosecutors have certainly been busy with their investigations.
They have interviewed officials in the French state company, DCN and related companies such as Thales as well as officials in the French ministry of defence.

They have looked into bank vaults and scrutinized contracts, memoranda of understanding (MOU), memoranda of intent (MOI), invoices and bank accounts of various people including Abdul Razak Baginda.
There are also some rather telling internal confidential reports of DCN and the French ministry of defence.
What have Malaysians thus far been told.  So far, the Malaysian Ministry of Defence has told Parliament that:

1. The cost of two Scorpene submarines together with logistic support and training was close to 1 billion euros;
2. Payment to Perimekar Sdn Bhd for “coordination services” was 114 million euros.

Malaysian tax payers will still need to pay even more for maintenance services, support & test equipment, missiles and torpedoes, infrastructure for the submarine base, training of crew, etc.

The total bill for these two submarines will be in excess of RM7 billion.

But are these two the only transactions in a sordid affair that has claimed the life of a fair Mongolian lass named Altantuya Shariibuu?

Perimekar  merely  “a travel agency”

Negotiations on the submarine contract started in 1999. At the time, the French state company DCN had this view of Perimekar:

“The amount to be paid to Perimekar is over-evaluated. It is not worth it…They are never more than a travel agency…The price is inflated and their support function is very vague…Yes, that company created unfounded wealth for its shareholders.”

But this system was created by the Malaysian government so DCN had no choice.

Before 2002, French bribes to foreign officials were tax deductible! Such is the nature of arms deals all over the world.

Later when new laws in France and OECD Convention (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) were introduced, bribing of foreign officials  became a crime.

Anyways, the former finance director of DCN, Gerarde Philippe Maneyas had made a claim for 32 million euros (RM124 million) allegedly used to bribe Malaysian officials for purchase of the Scorpenes.

The French budget (Finance) minister had questioned such a large bribe although he did eventually authorize the tax break.

Bypassing French law

With the new French law and OECD Convention against corruption was put in place after 2002, the French arms merchants had to find a way to pay commissions to their foreign clients.

The method used was to create “service providers” that could “increase invoices” in order to take the place of commissions.

Thus, when the French state company DCN terminated its contracts, Thales took over as a private company, not involving the state.

Thales International was appointed to coordinate the political connections.

A commercial engineering contract was then signed between DCNI and Thales, referred to as “C5”.
The “C5″  contract covered 30 million euros (RM119.4 million)  in commercial costs abroad. The companies used in the Malaysian case were “Gifen in Malta, Eurolux in Luxemburg and Technomar in Belgium”.

The travel expenses of Baginda and Altantuya were covered by these.

Another “consulting agreement” was signed in 2000 between Thint Asia and Terasasi for 2.5 million euros.
The commissions and dividends for the Scorpene deal were funneled through two companies, Terasasi and Perimekar.

‘Tell us about Terasasi’

Terasasi and Perimeker were both owned by Abdul Razak Baginda.  His wife, Mazlinda is a director in Perimekar while his father is also a director in Terasasi.

Malaysians have heard about Perimekar and its “coordinating service” in the submarines deal.
But so far there has been no mention of Terasasi.

Could the Minister of Defence tell the Malaysian public and Parliament the exact role of  Terasasi in this Scorpene deal?

From the Paris Papers, we know that at least 32 million euros (RM144 million) were paid by Thales International (Thint) Asia to Terasasi.

There is an invoice by Terasasi dated 1.10.2000 for 100,000 euros (RM397,880). There is also an invoice from Terasasi to Thint Asia, dated 28.8.2004 for 359,450 euros (RM1.44 million) with a hand-written note saying “Razak wants it in a hurry.”

This increase in invoices replaced the former dispensing of high commissions.

A confidential report in the Paris Papers notes: “It appears that the management of Thint Asia is aware that the amount paid to Terasasi ultimately benefited Najib or his adviser, Baginda.”

Thus, as our French lawyer, Joseph Breham said: “Investigations so far have provided sufficient evidence to point our finger at Malaysian officials in this hearing.”

Friday, May 4, 2012

BERSIH3.0 : A bittersweet experience

By A Humble Malaysian
The Malaysian Insider
May 04, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, May 4 — I personally believe that there are three occasions where you can experience the spirit of 1 Malaysia: football, badminton and rally.

Why did I join Bersih 3.0? Various reasons, but certainly NOT for politics.

I woke up automatically at 6.30am on April 28, an hour ahead of my alarm set. The first thing I did was to turn on my laptop and checked the updates on Facebook.

There were already an estimate of 5,000 people around Dataran Merdeka. Next, I checked RapidKL Twitter to ensure the train was in service. No service disruption. Good.

I left my house at about 8am for the Kelana Jaya LRT station. At the car park, I saw a few groups of people, clad in yellow and green. That was when I realised, I was not alone.

We looked at each other, with smiles on our faces, as if we could read each other’s mind.
Each stop at the LRT station, I could see more and more people in yellow and green boarding the train.
A big crowd went off at Pasar Seni for one of the main meeting points, Central Market.

I got out from Masjid Jamek. After meeting my friend at the platform, we walked towards Petaling Street.
I could see yellow everywhere, even yellow “Angry Birds”. We headed towards the food stall area for breakfast. All the stalls and restaurants were jam packed. We actually stood while eating.

An uncle from the nearby table offered us an untouched glass of coffee, saying “Miss, this is for you, we ordered extra.” Very warm gesture but unfortunately, I don’t drink coffee hence my friend drank the whole glass.

“It tasted good!” that was what he said.

People wait for the start of the Bersih rally, at Jalan Tun Perak in Kuala Lumpur, April 28, 2012.It was about 10am when we headed out to Jalan Sultan to join the “carnival”.

People were walking around, singing, playing music with empty containers, chanting, taking pictures, selling Bersih recyclable bags, sitting by the roadside, just waiting for the moment.

We decided to walk farther to the intersection between Jalan Hang Jebat and Jalan Sultan.

We saw policemen forming human walls, but people were still able to cross from the side.

Supporters wearing Bersih t-shirt were seen talking and taking pictures with the policemen. There was a van loaded with boxes of mineral water, a man distributing the mineral water to the people around, for FREE.
It was almost about 11.30am and the sun was right above us. We decided to stop walking and joined the group of people in front of Mandarin Pacific Hotel.

Even Yellow Power Rangers was there. The song that caught my attention was “Inilah Barisan Kita”. I was quite emotional hearing myself singing to it, I actually remembered the lyrics.

They chanted “Bersih”, “Stop Lynas” and also “Reformasi”. We talked and laughed as if we have known each other for a very long time.

We were told to sit down and people actually did. But I have no idea why there were still cars and buses passing the road, making people sat and stood a few times.

I was lucky because I was by the side of the road, not affected by the traffic. Wong Chin Huat came by at about 12pm to give his instructions and speech.

He was struggling to make his voice heard, sounding as if he has been talking loudly for the past four hours.
At 12.30pm, we stood up and started walking, but stopped after about 50m. We sat down again.

Balloons, big and small, flying around. After about 10 minutes, we started walking again.

I felt really good, despite the heat.

From Jalan Sultan, we walked to Jalan Tun HS Lee and soon to Jalan Tun Sambanthan, towards Kota Raya.

I saw two traffic policemen by the road side, resting. The supporters greeted the policemen and shook hands with the policemen. All smiles, no tension.

At about 1.30pm, we were told to “Buka laluan” (make way). It was Ambiga Sreenevasan and a few more committees of Bersih 2.0. Yes, I saw Ambiga.

We then walked to Jalan Tun Perak. From the voices of the crowd, I started to imagine how many people were ahead of us.

We tried to walk as near as we could towards Dataran Merdeka.

At 2pm, we were still far behind, only managed to get to McDonald’s.

We sang “Negaraku” and chanted “Bersih” over and over again. At about 2.15pm, we were told to move back a little and to be seated.

At about 2.30pm, a few people from the front started to walk back, saying that “Anwar kata bersurai. Matlamat dah tercapai.”

Eh, I thought we were supposed to sit till 4pm?

So people started to disperse. And we decided to be a little adventurous, walking to the front, till Jalan Melayu, the road between OCBC Bank and Masjid Jamek LRT Station.

It was slightly after 3pm when people at the top level of LRT Station signalled us to run. And then I heard the sound of the shooting of tear gas, which sounded like fireworks.

Ah, it’s time to make full use of my equipment. I took out the salt and wet towel, which had been soaked with salt water before I left the house this morning.

I ate the salt and poured some on the towel and covered my nose and mouth with it.

I started running into Jalan Melayu, heading towards Lorong Tunku Abdul Rahman.

I could see people around me were in tears, coughing, gasping for fresh air. I took out my bottle of salt water, drank and passed to the girl next to me as she was feeling really uncomfortable.

I kept an eye on my friend who was behind me and he told me “Just walk ahead, I will be behind.”

But the crowd started pushing, feeling panicky and girls shouting.

Salt was passed around. Malay, Chinese and Indian, we were helping each other.

Halfway through, the crowd in front stopped walking, and people from behind started to push.

Apparently there was tear gas fired in front. So, now we were stuck.

There is a small alley on the right. Some said it was a dead end, another person said to go.

So, we decided to run into the alley and found out it was a dead end, with the Klang River on the right.

We could see people trying to get down to the riverbank and some tried to climb up the wall on the left.

After being stranded there for about 10 minutes, we decided to walk out, knowing that we could not just stay there doing nothing.

We walked towards Lorong Tuanku Abdul Rahman and saw a group of policemen in front of us, by the side of the road.

One of the policemen told us to continue walking and “jangan tengok-tengok” (Don’t look).

I managed to peep at the small alley on the right, a few people clad in Bersih T-shirts were surrounded by policemen.

After we walked pass the scene, we heard one of the supporters shout at the policemen, and we started running.

In front of us, another group of policemen. This time, I saw a group of five or six policemen attacking a person who’s already on the ground. A few more non-uniformed people tried to save the person.

There were people shouting around. A few policemen standing at the junction between Jalan Melayu and Lorong Tuanku Abdul Rahman told us to continue walking.

We never turned back. Whatever just happened, for whatever reason, it was an ugly scene.
As we walked, we could still smell the tear gas. At one point, we could see Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman on the left and spotted a row of FRU, standing still, ready to fire any time.

We continued walking and saw people sitting by the side of the road. Several stalls were spotted still operating despite the tear gas.

We stopped at one drink stalls and I saw the sellers’ eyes were red, and yet, they were still doing business.

We continued walking out to Jalan TAR, about 100m from the FRU.

We could see people sitting by the road side, and some, sitting on the middle of the road and one, lying down.

One guy ran towards the man who was lying on the road, offering him water, thinking he had fainted. But he was just lying there; he had not fainted.

It was only 3.45pm, we decided to sit by the roadside and waited till 4pm before we call it a day.

A Chinese man came to us, asking whether we wanted to refill our water bottles. Another nice gesture.

We wondered whether we would be poisoned, but maybe not today.

I did not take up the offer as I still had water with me, but my friend did.

A group of people sat nearby, one of them was smoking. He turned over to me when he realised the cigarette smoke was blown towards my direction, and he apologised.

Later on, a man sat down beside me. He was also affected by the tear gas. He was not prepared for the tear gas and was voicing out his dissatisfaction of what had happened.

At 4pm, we decided to leave. We walked to Bandaraya LRT Station to find that the station was closed.
Two policemen were spotted behind the shutters, inside the LRT station and a man from the outside asked
the policemen why the shutters were down.

The policemen told to take the train from the next station at Jalan Sultan Ismail but the man shouted back for them to open the shutters. He pushed the shutters.

I dislike the scene, so we left.

While we were walking down the station, we heard the crowd at Jalan Raja Laut were facing another group of FRU in front of DBKL building.

Soon, we heard the shooting of tear gas. And again, we took out the towels and salt and started running.
We decided to walk to Jalan Sultan Ismail via Jalan TAR, passing Sogo.

When we walked pass Sogo, we saw a group of people fanning a man on the ground.

My friend walked over to peep but I pulled him off; it’s time to go home.

While walking towards Pertama Complex, we saw bottles and water flying around in front of the Mara building.

Then, we saw a police car drove pass. A group of people threw objects at the police car.

That police car managed to flee. A few moments later, we saw a guy jumping on top of a moving car. People again started to throw objects (it was a police car, as what I saw when it drove passed me). We just
continue walking and didn’t turn back.

A few seconds later, we heard a crash sound. Oh, no!

Ahead, we saw, again, people throwing objects at two traffic policemen on motorcycles.

Next, the policemen stopped the motorcycle, facing the crowd behind, his hand near his waist as if wanting to draw his weapon. Oh, no!

I did not want to imagine what was going to happen next.

People started to shout and run and we ran for our lives towards Jalan Semarang (between Pertama Complex and Mara Building) and out to Jalan Raja Laut towards Sultan Ismail LRT Station.
We then heard ambulance and police sirens from every direction.

Whatever just happened at Jalan TAR, was beyond my imagination.

It is saddening and a disappointment that things turned ugly after 3pm.

But I am glad I came home in one piece, with no injury except some tan on both of my hands.

I thank God and I am very grateful.

Want to experience what 1 Malaysia is all about? Come join Bersih 4.0, if there’s one.

I will be there, with slightly more experience than the first time. I will not run into a dead end again.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pendakwa Perancis dakwa Najib minta AS$1b untuk Perimekar

Pendakwa awam Perancis yang menyiasat urusniaga pembelian senjata Perancis-Malaysia mendakwa telah menemui bukti bahawa menteri pertahanan ketika itu, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak telah meminta AS$1 bilion (RM3 bilion) untuk syarikat tempatan Perimekar daripada DCNI - anak syarikat pembuat kapal Perancis DCN.

Menurut kertas pendakwaan yang didedahkan oleh NGO Suaram hari ini, satu faks menunjukkan bahawa Najib didakwa telah diminta jumlah tersebut untuk Perimekar sebagai syarat bagi mengadakan satu pertemuan dengan beliau pada 14 Julai 2001.

Faks yang bertarikh 1 Jun 2001 adalah dari Francois Dupont, wakil Malaysia untuk syarikat swasta Thales Asia International, kepada D Arnaud.

Dokumen itu, satu daripada 153 yang ditunjukkan kepada Suaram, telah dirampas oleh polis Perancis dari pejabat Henri Gide, seorang pegawai Thales.

source : http://malaysiakini.com/news/196802

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bersih3.0 : ASTRO sunting (potong) siaran Berita BBC!

Astro, penyiar tv satelit Malaysia yang memegang lesen penyiaran berita keluaran Stesen BBC kini disiasat oleh BBC News Network kena menyunting laporan berita BBC berkaitan Bersih3.0. 3 bahagian di dalam laporan berita tersebut telah dibuang.

1. Temubual dengan peserta Bersih3.0 berkaitan tindakan diluar perikemanusiaan oleh polis
2. Temubual dengan peserta Bersih3.0 yang menyatakan beliau turut menyertai Bersih3.0 untuk menuntut pilihan raya yang adil dan mahukan SPR dijadikan 1 badan indipenden.
3. Rakaman yg menunjuk FRU menembak meriam air ke arah peserta Bersih3.0

Menurut laporan portal Sarawak Report, laporan berita stesen Al-Jazeera yang disiar oleh Astro t.urut menjadi mangsa. 

Walau bagaimanapun masyarakat dunia yang berada di luar Malaysia masih dapat menonton versi penuh berita tersebut dan pasti memahami maklumat penuh yang cuba dibawakan oleh BBC dan Al-Jazeera.

Tonton sendiri rakaman berikut untuk anda menilai sendiri. Sesungguhnya kebebasan media di Malaysia berada di tahap yang terbaik! (betul ker???)

Berikut adalah pendedahan oleh Sarawak Report


The integrity of the BBC seems to have been threatened by the doctoring of its reports by Malaysia's satellite broadcaster Astro!

BBC Signals Outrage Over Malaysian ‘Censorship’ Of Bersih 3.0 Coverage! – EXCLUSIVE

The BBC in London has issued a statement saying it is urgently seeking explanations over the apparent doctoring of one of its news reports by the Malaysian satellite broadcaster Astro.
A copy of the allegedly censored report has been circulated widely on You Tube since the weekend, showing how what was broadcast to viewers on Astro differed from the original version that was shown elsewhere in the world.

The established BBC reporter Emily Buchanan had produced a two minute report on the Bersih rally, detailing the days events.  This was included in bulletins offered by BBC World, one of the Channels carried by Astro.

However, thirty seconds appears to have been cut out of the doctored version on Astro, after the removal of three separate sequences, one of which showed a policeman on a motorbike apparently firing at demonstrators.

The two other sequences that were removed included interviews with demonstrators, explaining why they felt they had to take to the streets to defend the right to fair elections.

Deplorable during the week of World Press Freedom Day!

After Sarawak Report notified the BBC about what had happened yesterday the Corporation responded with a strongly worded statement signalling apparent outrage.

It is an established rule that none of its reports should be tampered with or doctored by channels carrying its News Service and the statement makes plain that this is a potentially deeply serious breach of its contract with Astro:
BBC Statement
“The BBC is carrying out urgent enquiries after it was made aware that output from its BBC World News channel may have been censored in Malaysia.

The broadcast of anti-Government protests in Malaysia was apparently edited before it was re-broadcast on Malaysian satellite television, with sequences removed from the original BBC version.

The BBC is making urgent enquiries to the Malaysian operator, Astro, to establish the facts.
A BBC spokesman said: ”During the week of World Press Freedom Day, it would be deplorable if access to independent and impartial news was being prevented in any way. We would strongly condemn any blocking of the trusted news that we broadcast around the world including via distribution partners.”

Not supposed to tamper with content - but it seems that Al Jazeera's coverage of Bersih 3.0 may also have been doctored by Astro!

The BBC is believed to still be awaiting a full explanation from Astro as to what could possibly have happened during this case.

The company is apparently taking some time to respond to the urgent questions that have been put and it is believed that there may be further delay over the public holiday.

However, the quality of the editing of the package would indicate that this was indeed a professional and carefully executed attempt to put the authorities in Malaysia in a better light.  If so, the exposure of such manipulation is likely to seriously backfire on both the reputation of Astro and international standing of BN.

Al Jazeera’s reports ‘also tampered with’ by Astro!

"Our camera was kicked to the ground" - it seems Astro did not like Harry Fawcett's account of police brutality agains protestors and censored Al Jazeera's report as well!

Astro, the only satellite channel to be licensed by the BN Government is owned by one of the country’s richest entrepreneurs, Ananda Krishnan, known for his close links with the ruling UMNO party.

Astro dishes have even been offered as a free incentive to some longhouses in Sarawak in the run up to the federal elections, presumably in an attempt to both curry favour and to influence their thinking in favour of the government.

The doctoring of the BBC’s report would appear to show just how biased and subservient Astro is to UMNO’s political agenda.

And in the past hours more information has started to emerge that the channel carried out a similar tampering exercise with the Al Jazeera report on the march by the reporter Harry Fawcett!

Time for more democracy and press freedom?

Journalists seeking to record scenes like these have complained over mistreatment by police and the destruction of cameras and equipment.

As the BBC pointed out in its statement, Astro channel’s sneaky censoring of these objective news reports came at the very start of the week of World Press Freedom Day, May 3rd.

The action provides a neat example of just the sort of anti-democratic cheating and abuse of power that brought so many thousands onto the streets of KL in the first place on Saturday.

The Bersih movement has started to wake up the rest of the world to the fact that Malaysia’s expensively crafted image as a friendly and democratic country under BN is in fact a PR sham.

What could have better summed up the autocratic and illegal tendencies of BN than this sanctioning of Astro’s censorship against two of the world’s most respected broadcasters, which were trying to bring viewers an objective account of this event.

What better vindication for Bersih and its call for a cleaner Malaysia!

source : http://www.sarawakreport.org/2012/04/bbc-signals-outrage-over-malaysian-censorship-of-bersih-3-0-coverage-exclusive/