

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Courage to MOVE

I have decided to write in english instead of BM in my previous post.

Since 8th March, we have seen lots and lots of things happenned in the Malaysian Political Scene. Some might take it positively and some may take it as a threat. As BN lost 5 states, I actually would say 6 because it is inclusive of Wilayah Persektuan Kuala Lumpur which BN only won 1 Parliementary seat and BN lost 10! Wow.. the Capital of Malaysia is now ruled by the opposition. It never came to my mind this will happen, and I bet not a single person in Malaysia did expect it to happen.

This is what we should call as the people power. Why is it possible for the opposition to lead 6 states? Is it because they are really strong or there is something wrong? Let me share my point of view.

8th March 2008, Pak Lah seems really want the election to take place before 15 of April 2008 so that Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI) won't be able to compete. I think it is a stupid strategy. Can't he think properly? Eventough DSAI is not able to compete in the general election, there will be lot of other elections will be carried out from time to time for many many other reasons such as the death of DUN/Parliemantary representative. And in the worst case, somebody from opposition will just simply give up his seat to give way for DSAI to compete.

Not only that, as DSAI was not competing during the PRU12 it gave him the opportunity to make a national tour. 13 days of campaign is more than enough for DSAI to spent at least 1 day visit to each state. He has the whole freedom to walk around and the give speeches with permits since it is election time. It really gave a good impact to people as they have been waiting to see and to hear him on stage. And the best part is, he is a very very good public speaker compared to Pak Lah.

I still remember during his early days as a PM, we can in Buletin Utama or any news on tv, that when ever a reporter asked Pak Lah to comment on a national issue or what ever current issue, he is not capable to give any instant feedback. Pak Lah will say,"I need to check first on this matter. I will comment later". Did you ever see or heard Tun Dr Mahathir say those words when he was interviewed by the press? Tun is able to give fast and prompt answer. He is well versed on the things that is going on in the country. And Tun is a very very good and respected public speaker too. I really missed those days when the world (especially Muslim countries) will always eager to hear Malaysia's comment or standing on world issues. They respect Malaysia's view because of its leader. But happen now? Any body care to get Pak Lah's view for issues related to Muslim eventough Pak Lah is chairing the OIC!!! What a pity...

Can't write longer since I got lots of things waiting to be settled. I will continue later... thank you for reading.

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