

Friday, October 30, 2009

Sigh…what more to say?... about Badrul

I told Nik Nazmi, the Menteri Besar’s political secretary, about the Badrul problem way back in mid-2008. I told him we have probably ‘lost’ him. And we actually lost him a few days after the 8 March 2008 general election.
Raja Petra Kamarudin

It was in February 2008 that I first met Badrul Hisham Abdullah. And I went to meet him at the request of Ronnie Liu. You see; Ronnie was contesting the Pandamaran state seat under the Port Kelang parliamentary constituency while Badrul was contesting the neighbouring Port Kelang state seat, also under the Port Kelang parliamentary constituency. It was important, therefore, that both Ronnie and Badrul win to ensure that Charles Santiago will win the Port Kelang parliament seat as well.
We were not too worried about Pandamaran because Ronnie had spent many years building his base there. So we were quite confident that Ronnie would win the seat without any problem. But the Port Kelang state seat was another matter. It was going to be an uphill battle with this one.
First of all, no one knew who the hell this Badrul guy was. Secondly, that seat is a strong Barisan Nasional seat because of the Malay voters from Kampong Raja Uda who have always voted Umno since Merdeka Day. Never has Kampong Raja Uda voted opposition and unless they do then Badrul would not be able to win that seat.
To help Badrul increase his chances, Ronnie campaigned for Badrul and he asked me to go meet the voters in Kampong Raja Uda. We need to win the votes of the Malays in Kampong Raja Uda, said Ronnie, if Badrul is going to win. The Chinese and Indians are not too much of a problem. Furthermore, the Malays are the majority so if we can’t win the Malay votes, even if we win 100% of the votes of the Chinese and Indians, it will not help. Anyway, there is no way we can win 100% of the Chinese and Indian votes.
Ronnie arranged for me to ceramah at Kampong Raja Uda. My message to the Malay voters in Kampong Raja Uda was short and to the point. It was raining heavily and we had all these Malays standing in the rain getting soaked to their skin. So it was better that I come to the point, say my piece, and allow them to get out of the rain.
The opposition has never won the votes of the Malays of Kampong Raja Uda, I said. Since Merdeka, the Malays have always voted for the ruling party. For the first time I want the Malays to vote opposition, I said. This kampong, Kampong Raja Uda, is named after my grandfather, Raja Tun Uda. I used to visit this area every year during Hari Raya when I was a child because my relatives used to live here although many have since moved away.
If the Malays here still vote for the ruling party and do not vote for the opposition, I want them to remove my grandfather’s name from this kampong. Call it something else but please do not call it Kampong Raja Uda. And if the ruling party wins the votes from Kampong Raja Uda I swear to never step foot in this kampong again.
On Polling Day, Badrul won the Port Kelang state seat and, for the first time in history, Kampong Raja Uda went to the opposition. However, when it came time to announce the winner, Badrul was nowhere to be seen. They rushed to his house to see whether he was home but it appeared like no one was home. They knocked on his door anyway and for a while no one stirred. They continued knocking and soon a very sleepy Badrul came to the door. He had been sleeping. While the votes were being counted Badrul was at home fast asleep.
Badrul had a very confused look on his face. You won, they told him. Get dressed and come to the counting centre. They need you there to announce the winner.
Badrul remained silent. Quickly, get dressed. You won. You need to go to the counting centre.
I won? Badrul could not believe what he heard.
Yes, you won, quickly, come with us. You need to be there.
The signs that something was not quite right with this man already showed on Nomination Day and Ronnie told me he was a bit worried about this guy. He went to the nomination centre without any money and could not pay the deposit. So they quickly did a collection to help raise the deposit by passing the hat around.
After Badrul had been sworn in as a State Assemblyman, he ‘disappeared’. Instead of spending time with the other Pakatan Rakyat Assemblymen or the Member of Parliament, he was seen almost every night having dinner with the Umno people. He was mingling with the Umno people and staying away from the Pakatan Rakyat people.
I told Nik Nazmi, the Menteri Besar’s political secretary, about the Badrul problem way back in mid-2008. I told him we have probably ‘lost’ him. And we actually lost him a few days after the 8 March 2008 general election.
Nik Nazmi told me they are aware of the problem. But of course nothing was done about it and now the problem has come back to bite PKR and Pakatan Rakyat on their backsides.
That is the saga of Badrul Hisham Abdullah, PKR’s candidate for the Port Kelang state seat who turned up on Nomination day without any money to pay his deposit, who went home to sleep while the votes were being counted, and who ‘joined’ Umno barely a few days after he won the election.
When we first met Badrul, my wife said, oh my God, you mean PKR does not have any other candidates to choose? To be honest, my wife said, even I will not vote for him. How can we expect the general public to vote for him?
I think you make a much better candidate than Badrul, I told my wife.
That is so insulting, my wife replied. How can you compare me to him? I would not even trust him to cut my grass, let alone become my Wakil Rakyat.
Yes, that was my wife’s opinion. And Ronnie told me way back in March 2008 that we are going to have problems with Badrul. We expected him to jump ship more than a year ago. Our only surprise is that it took so long for him to do so. And an even bigger surprise is, after knowing all this, why did PKR not do anything about this guy earlier?
That appears to be the story of PKR’s life. And there are many more the likes of Badrul Hisham Abdullah lurking in PKR. I just wonder when we are going to see more incidences like Badrul.
PKR is beginning to look like one huge joke. But the joke is not funny. We campaigned hard and asked the voters to trust us by voting opposition. I personally went down to the ground to tell the voters to trust me and vote opposition. Have we violated that trust? Will the voters ever trust me again?
That, I would summarise, is the greatest tragedy of all.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

ADUN keempat keluar PKR

Seorang lagi wakil rakyat PKR meninggalkan parti itu dan menjadi ADUN bebas - kali ini di Selangor selepas dua di Perak awal tahun ini dan seorang di Kedah pada Ogos.

ADUN Pelabuhan Klang Badrul Hisham Abdullah, sejak beberapa bulan lalu menimbulkan spekulasi bakal menyertai Umno, membuat pengumuman itu di sebuah hotel di Kuala Lumpur sebentar tadi.

Beliau sejak sekian lama menimbulkan masalah dalam parti itu apabila didakwa tidak menjalankan tugasnya sebagai wakil rakyat di situ.

Pagi ini, Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim mengusulkan kepada PKR agar mendesak Badrul Hisham melepaskan jawatan wakil rakyat.

Menurut kenyataan pejabat menteri besar hari ini, kerajaan Selangor prihatin terhadap aduan penduduk di Pelabuhan Klang mengenai ketidakupayaan Badrul Hisham menjalankan kewajipan beliau sebagai wakil rakyat.

Badrul menang kerusi DUN Pelabuhan Klang dalam pilihan raya umum dengan majoriti 4,407 undi, ekoran rasa tidak puashati terhadap bekas ADUN kontroversi Umno, Datuk Zakaria Md Deros.
Badrul merupakan ADUN pembangkang kelima yang keluar parti, selepas tiga ADUN di Perak (dua PKR, satu DAP) dan seorang lagi ADUN PKR di kedah dan menjadi wakil rakyat bebas yang menyokong BN.
Sidang akhbar Badrul
Tindakan Badrul Hisham ini mencemarkan lagi imej PKR yang kini sedang bergelut dengan beberapa konflik dalaman yang negatif berhubung kepemimpinan di Sabah dan juga spekulasi peletakan jawatan Setiausaha Agungnya Datuk Salehuddin Hashim.

Bercakap dalam satu sidang akhbar di ibunegara hari ini, Badrul Hisham berkata keputusan beliau keluar PKR berkuatkuasa serta merta dan kini menjadi wakil rakyat bebas yang 'mesra' BN.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, beliau tidak akan meletak jawatan, kerana menurutnya, PKR tidak boleh memaksanya berbuat demikian.

Sebaliknya, Badrul Hisham berkata beliau adalah wakil rakyat yang dipilih oleh rakyat.

Badrul juga menafikan beliau terbabit dalam kemalangan dan sedang menjalani rawatan psikitrik sehingga tidak mampu menjaga kawasan pilihan rayanya.

Badrul menuding jari kepada Menteri Besar selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, yang didakwanya turut mencabar kapasiti mentalnya.

Beliau yang membaca kenyataan yang telah disediakan berkata tindakan Khalid itu, sebagai seorang ketua PKR, adalah tidak bermoral.

Badrul juga menafikan bahawa beliau tidak menjawab surat tunjuk sebab dari Khalid.

Sebaliknya, beliau mendakwa telah menjawab surat tunjuk sebab itu pada 2 September.

Badrul berkata, beliau ada pengesahan penerimaan surat jawapan itu dari pejabat Khalid serta setiausaha agung PKR.

Oleh itu, katanya, menteri besar Selangor itu tidak ada hak untuk membuat tuduhan seumpama itu.

Dalam sidang akhbar itu, Badrul ditemani oleh isterinya yang berkaca mata hitam dan bekas setiausaha PKR Selangor, Nizam Rosli yang rapat dengan bekas ketua Pemuda PKR yang kini menyerta Umno, Mohd Ezam Noor.

Badrul mengadakan sidang akhr itu beberapa jam selepas Khalid mencadangkan kepada PKR supaya meminta Badrul melepaskan jawatan ADUN kerana didakwa prestasinya tidak baik.

1Malaysia - Satu Malaysia Tak Faham

Slogan 1Malaysia berkumandang melalui RTM setiap waktu dengan obsession yang begitu tinggi sekali.

Assalaamualaikum sudah diganti dengan Salaam 1Malaysia. Begitulah hebatnya slogan 1Malaysia ini dan saya begitu kagum dengan usaha Kementerian Penerangan kita mempromosikan slogan kita yang terbaru ini.

Saya tertanya-tanya apa dia 1Malaysia ini. Selama ini saya hanya bertanya kepada diri saya sendiri apa maknanya 1Malaysia ini.

Saya berasa malu juga untuk bertanya kepada mana-mana pihak kerana mungkin saya seorang sahaja yang tidak faham sedangkan 27 juta rakyat yang lain faham apa maksud slogan ini.

Apabila orang sebut 1Malaysia saya pun sebut juga walaupun dalam hati saya sedang berusaha untuk mendapatkan jawapan kepada pertanyaan yang saya ajukan kepada diri saya itu.

Pada suatu hari seorang sahabat saya muncul di kaca TV berforum tentang slogan 1Malaysia ini, tetapi beliau tidak berjaya meyakinkan saya tentang tuju arah slogan ini dicipta.

Dalam hati saya berkata sepatutnya tentu ada definasi jelas tentang slogan ini, kalau tak panjang pendek; mesti ada definasinya, tetapi saya tidak juga terdengar sahabat saya ini memberikan definasi itu.

Pada keesokkan harinya saya bertanya kepada sahabat saya yang bercakap dalam TV itu, ‘Bro, boleh ke you terangkan kat I apa dia definasi 1Malaysia itu? Sorry to ask you, sebab I tak faham. Aku segan nak tanya ramai orang. Sebab you dah muncul dalam TV bercakap tentang isu ini, I nak tanya youlah!”

Dia lantas menjawab, “Sebenarnya bro, aku pun tak faham. Dah dia orang suruh, aku cakaplah apa yang patut. Aku pusing ke sana, aku pusing ke sini dan cakap ajelah. Oh! Kau tengoklah aku bercakap dalam TV semalam?”

Saya jawab, “Tengok!”. Dia pun kata “Haa, apa yang aku cakap itu, itulah 1Malaysia. Aku pun dah lupa apa yang aku cakap…dan itu pun 1Malaysia,” katanya sambil berdekah ketawa.

Selepas itu saya bertanya-tanya kepada begitu ramai orang termasuk pemimpin dalam kerajaan yang berkawan dengan saya tentang definasi 1Malaysia ini.

Tiada siapa pun boleh menjawab pertanyaan saya itu, malahan ramai pula akhirnya yang bertanya kepada saya apa itu 1Malaysia.

Mereka juga bertanya antara satu dengan lain soalan yang sama; masing-masing keliru.

Baru saya sedar bahawa bukan saya seorang yang tidak faham tentang slogan ini.

Rupa-rupanya Satu Malaysia yang tidak faham tentang 1Malaysia ini. Mungkin itukah definasinya?

Sekian……………………………………………………………Aspan Alias

Hang the police first

Have no delusions about it. The enemy is the Malaysian police. Those are the people we must first bring down if we want to bring down the regime called Barisan Nasional. Malaysians must declare war on the Malaysian police.
Raja Petra Kamarudin

Take a walk back into history. Look at how the USSR held on to power. Look at how the Shah of Iran held on to power. Look at how Saddam held on to power. Look at how Marcos held on to power. Look at how Sukarno and then Suharto held on to power. Look at the last 5,000 years of the recorded history of mankind and look at how any regime holds on to power. And you will discover one common denominator. And that common denominator is a violent police force that serves the regime in any way that is required, legal or otherwise.
And that is the situation in Malaysia today.
Then look at how these regimes were brought down. Only when the police changed sides or were ‘neutralised’ did the regimes fall. Only when the unholy alliance between the regime and the police was broken did the regimes fall. So there are no two ways about it. History has taught us so. Regimes do not fall unless the back of the police force is broken. So, to bring down the regime, you must first bring down the police.
And yesterday’s event at the Perak State Assembly was the last straw. The manner the police treated the lawmakers from Pakatan Rakyat was the final nail in the coffin of the Malaysian police force as far as I am concerned.
It is not that I do not know how brutal the police can be. After all, I have been their ‘guest’ more than once and my own son is being subjected to frequent beatings in the Sungai Buloh Prison at the hands of the police as a means to get back at me. And look at the high incidence of extra-judicial killings in Malaysia the last many years. If this can’t convince you that the police act as executioners outside the judicial system then nothing will.
Najib Tun Razak is now the Prime Minister instead of sitting in jail for conspiracy to cover up the real story behind the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu because of the police. And the Chief Conspirator to this cover-up is none other than the IGP himself, Musa Hassan. This was told to me personally by the Honorary Consul of Mongolia to Malaysia, Datuk Syed Rahman Alhabshi. And he told me in no uncertainty that he had given Musa Hassan a thick dossier of evidence that has now been buried and has not been allowed to surface in the murder trial.
Let me make this very clear. Najib is Prime Minister instead of sitting in jail because of Musa Hassan and the Malaysian police. And Musa Hassan is behind the brutality against the opposition. And what happened in Perak yesterday should be proof enough to convince you in case you are not already convinced by now.
Musa Hassan must be sent to jail. And he knows he will be sent to jail if Barisan Nasional were to be placed in the most unfortunate situation of being sent into the opposition aisle and Pakatan Rakyat takes over as the government. So it is in Musa Hassan’s interest that Pakatan Rakyat does not replace Barisan Nasional as the government. And he will do anything under the sun to ensure this would never happen.
There are those who say I have gone underground to ‘escape punishment’ for the allegation I made against Najib and Rosmah in relation to the Altantuya murder. That’s what they want to make you believe. But this has nothing to do with my sedition or criminal defamation trials. I have gone underground because I know they want to detain me without trial under the Internal Security Act to stop me from getting further evidence on how the police helped cover up the facts behind the Altantuya murder.
But the facts will not remain hidden for long. Before Christmas this year the facts will surface. Malaysians will be told the truth behind the Altantuya murder. Malaysians will see the evidence of how Musa Hassan and the Malaysian police made sure that Najib would become the Prime Minister instead of sitting in jail for conspiracy to cover up an act of murder.
It is too late for them to stop us now. Even if I disappear today it will not prevent the facts from surfacing. The last eight months that I spent underground were not to idle my time away. The facts are all now in. We are just putting everything together into a neat little package to present to Malaysians. And, once we present it to Malaysians, everyone will see the role Musa Hassan and the police played in covering up the murder of Altantuya to save those behind the murder from being sent to jail.
Recently, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad lamented that Malaysia has been turned into a police state. Mahathir, one time Malaysian Prime Minister of Malaysia for 22 years, is upset that the police are running this country and is helping prop up what Mahathir viewed as an illegal regime. This is Mahathir’s view. And this has always been my view as well. And I shall do Mahathir a favour. I shall help Mahathir prove what he said is true. Mahathir shall be proven that what he said was the gospel and that Malaysia is a police state and that the police are helping to prop up an illegal and violent regime.
And never mind if Najib and his gang of conspirators goes to jail or not. That is secondary as far as I am concerned. Musa Hassan has to be the first to go to jail. He must be sent to jail because he is the Chief Conspirator in the cover up of the Altantuya murder. Then the others can go to jail.
The Malaysian police are a bunch of gangsters in uniform. They are in fact worse than gangsters. Even gangsters have some sort of ethics. If you have ever mingled with them you will know what I mean. The gangsters in uniform, however, have absolutely no ethics whatsoever. And to make it even worse, these gangsters in uniform prostate in prayer fives times a day and face Mekah and imagine themselves as God’s chosen people who have been guaranteed a place in heaven no matter what sins and crimes they commit.
I have been to jail before. And jail is where the worst types of people and scum of society are housed. But many a time these so-called scum of society have proven to be better people than those gangsters in uniform. I have, in fact, been given 24 hours, around the clock protection by those you would regard as scum of society. They stood outside my cell while I slept to ensure that no harm comes to me and to ensure, to quote their own words, I can live to continue the fight for a better Malaysia.
Yes, what irony. Those we would rather lock up and throw the key away have proven to be my saviours in prison who protect me from those in uniform. This is what prison has taught me. It taught me I am able to trust my life in the hands of gangsters, robbers and kidnappers while I must never turn my back on those in uniform.
Have no delusions about it. The enemy is the Malaysian police. Those are the people we must first bring down if we want to bring down the regime called Barisan Nasional. Malaysians must declare war on the Malaysian police. And all is fair in love and war. And Musa Hassan’s head must be the first to roll. And once we separate his head from his neck then the regime will crumble. And only then will those behind the many murders at the hands of the police be brought to justice.

Pakatan ADUNs, blocked, pushed and shoved by the pariah police at the Perak State Assembly

Kenyataan Media Siva : Siapa yang berbohong ?

Gambar yang ditunjukkan oleh Sivakumar membuktikan bahawa benar beliau dikasari dan dicekik oleh polis.

IPOH, 29 Okt :-Saya memanggil sidang media selepas penafian Ketua Polis Perak dalam akhbar Sinar menafikan polis bertindak kasar dan saya berbohong. Demikian kenyataan media oleh Speaker Dun Perak, V.Sivakumar dalam sidang media sebentar tadi di sini.

Hadir sama dalam sidang media itu ialah Adun-Adun Pakatan Rakyat, Drs. Khalil Idham Lim (Titi Serong), Ong Boon Piao (Tebing Tinggi), Chang Min Kai (Simpang Pulai), Tai Sing Eng (Kuala Sepetang), Chen Fok Chai (Keranji) dan Yee Siew Kai (Pokok Asam).

Rakan media ditayangkan rakaman kekasaran polis yang dilakukan terhadap Adun Pakatan Rakyat.

Beliau menegaskan siapa tipu, saya atau akhbar??, tanyanya.

Kenyataan Ketua Polis Perak seperti dibaca dalam Sinar Harian, apa yang dikatakan oleh Adun Pakatan Rakyat tidak benar.

Sivakumar mengatakan mereka merancang untuk membuat kekasaran kepada Adun dalam bangunan SUK. Saya juga mempersoalkan ramai orang lain termasuk peguam UMNO boleh masuk, namun kenapa kami Adun hanya satu persatu dibenar masuk ikut pintu besar yang buka sedikit sahaja.

Siva mengatakan yang sebenarnya yang mengatur drama ialah Zambry.

Bukti saya bukan buat drama ialah cebisan baju yang koyak yang ditunjukkan kepada media kelmarin, katanya lagi.

Saya menegaskan saya bukan menipu dan yang menipu ialah Ketua Polis Perak.

Saya mempersoalkan kenapa Ganesan di kawal oleh 22 orang yang mengelilingi tempat duduk Ganesan. Sedangkan saya pada 7 Mei lalu, saya tidak dijaga langsung oleh polis dan membantu apa yang saya arahkan.



Kebetulan atau bagaikan di janji, YB Dato' Seri Hj Nizar telah mengiringi Tuanku Raja Muda Perak melawat tapak berlakunya jambatan gantung runtuh di Kuala Dipang semalam.

YB Hj Nizar telah berada di tapak jambatan gantung runtuh 2 jam sebelum ketibaan Tuanku. Sambil menunggu ketibaan Tuanku, beliau berjumpa dan bersalaman dengan pihak polis, bomba, pegawai-pegawai dari Kementerian dan Jabatan Pendidikan serta Adun-adun BN yang turut berada di situ.

Beliau sempat memberi pandangan kepada wartawan, polis, bomba, pegawai kerajaan dan yang lain-lain sebagai seorang jurutera profesional betapa silap dan salahnya kontraktor binaan tersebut yang membuat jambatan tanpa menggunakan plan asal yang mesti mempunyai spesikasinya. Beliau percaya kontraktor tidak ikut spesikasi yang sebenar.

Sehinggalah Tuanku tiba, YB Hj Nizar turut menyambut dan mengiringi tuanku sehingga tuanku berangkat pulang. Sepanjang mengiringi tuanku, orang ramai menyaksikan sendiri betapa akrabnya tuanku dengan YB Hj Nizar. Tertolaklah segala tohmahan UMNO BN kononnya Hj Nizar derhaka pada tuanku, mana mungkin orang yang derhaka pada tuanku, boleh bersama tuanku tanpa sedikitpun rasa bersalah atau malu.

Bukan sekali ini, YB Hj Nizar bersama dalam majlis bersama tuanku, sebelum inipun selepas UMNO BN tuduh Hj Nizar derhaka pada tuanku, Hj Nizar tetap menghadiri majlis bersama tuanku apabila dapat jemputan, dan ternyata hubungan tetap akrab dan mesra.

Whither and hither Anwar?


Anwar Ibrahim and many of the opposition leaders have this false feeling of grandeur about themselves. But they are not grand, and certainly far from great. They did not make 8 March 2008 happen. The people made it happen. And what the people make the people can break.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Great people do great things. Great people also do the opposite after they have done great things. So, if you have a tendency to do great things, and then do a U-turn later and dismantle all the great things you have done, do not feel too bad for you will be walking amongst the great.

Alexander the Great was one such great person. He set out to conquer the world. And then his ego conquered him. By the time he reached the border of India he had killed off all his close friends and most trusted generals. When they set out to conquer the world ten years before that it was as comrades. Then, friend became foe and the benevolent became malevolent. And, by his own hand, Alexander the Great killed the very people who loved him and who he once used to love as well.

Alexander the Great was of course not the only great man to walk the face of this earth. There were many great men through the ages. Some died unknown as not all great men are listed in the history books. There are probably more unknown soldiers and unsung heroes than those who are remembered. But I have used Alexander the Great as my analogy merely because he carries the title 'great' in his name.

Malaysia too has no shortage of great men. And I use the term 'men' not to mean gender but as they would say 'mankind' when it can also mean women. So we can assume I am also talking about women when I say 'great men'. And some of the great men and women of Malaysia through the ages, some known and many unknown, have lived and died and only a few are left remaining.

I would place Anwar Ibrahim as amongst those great men. Now, Anwar Ibrahim is not the only great man, mind you. There are of course many. But today I want to talk about Anwar Ibrahim, not because he is the only great man Malaysia has given birth to, but because he best reminds me of the greatest of great men, Alexander the Great.

One must read the history of Alexander the Great to understand what I am driving at. No, Alexander the Great was not the perfect man. In fact, the reverse can be said about him. He had more faults than virtues. But his greatness has been measured by his ambition and how he set out to fulfil his ambition to conquer the world and become the one ruler of all mankind. In short, he set an impossible target for himself and almost achieved it. And he almost achieved it because just short of the finishing line he went into self-destruct mode.

And that is why I want to talk about Anwar Ibrahim, not because he is the reincarnation of Alexander the Great, but because he appears to have also gone into self-destruct mode after coming so close to the finishing line.

Anwar Ibrahim's ambition is not as unachievable or that colossal a job as Alexander the Great's. Alexander the Great wanted to become Lord of the World. Anwar Ibrahim just wants to become Lord of Malaysia, the next Prime Minister. And the 8 March 2008 general election is almost like Alexander the Great reaching the border of India. And just like how Alexander the Great went into self-destruct mode and went home a beaten man just short of his goal after killing off all his close friends and most trusted generals, Anwar Ibrahim appears to be doing the same.

So, in that sense, I am measuring Anwar Ibrahim against Alexander the Great not by the greatness in his 'climb to the top' but in how he appears to be plummeting back to the bottom after ALMOST achieving what he set out to do, just like Alexander the Great.

Let's call a spade a spade. I do not wish to hold my punches. Anwar Ibrahim has only one thing in mind and that is to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Now, before you fly off the handle, I am not saying that this is such a bad thing. I have no problems with Anwar Ibrahim aspiring to become the next Prime Minister. Someone has to become the Prime Minister. So if it is not Anwar Ibrahim it will have to be someone else. So why not Anwar Ibrahim?

Okay, the Anwar Ibrahim critics are going to now scream that he is a chameleon and that he is a scheming politician and that he can't be trusted and that he plays to the gallery and so on and so forth. Agreed! But so what? This is how politicians are. This is what they do. All politicians will be exactly like how you would classify Anwar Ibrahim. This is what politics is all about.

I suppose, if you want to break out of the mould and find someone who does not have all these 'negative' attributes, we would have to back Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat as the next Prime Minister. And I am sure more of you will reject Nik Aziz Nik Mat compared to Anwar Ibrahim because you feel he is not up to par.

So, as I said, if not Anwar Ibrahim then who if you can't accept Tok Guru Nik Aziz or Lim Kit Siang or Abdul Hadi Awang as the next Prime Minister?

Unfortunately, in politics, greatness is not measured by piety or virtue. It is measured by ambition and how you go about meeting the goals of your ambition. And that is why Alexander the Great is called Alexander the Great in spite of his less than moral character. And if Anwar Ibrahim wants to be seen as great it would be in how he aspires to become the Prime Minister and how he goes about to become the Prime Minister from the underdog position that he has been placed in on 2 September 1998.

But Anwar Ibrahim is doing exactly what Alexander the Great did. Alexander the Great went into self-destruct mode on reaching the finishing line without crossing the finishing line. I see Anwar Ibrahim now also going into self-destruct mode on reaching the finishing line without crossing the finishing line.

But there is some slight difference here. In Alexander the Great's case it was his army. He owned the army. And Alexander the Great demolished his own army when he went into self-destruct mode. In Anwar Ibrahim's case, though, this is not his army. This is our army, which we lent him. So he is demolishing our army, not his own army. Therefore, while Alexander the Great could get away with what he did, Anwar Ibrahim has to be told we will not allow him to get away with it.

2,400 years ago it was different. Times were different then and the situation was also different. Today is not 2,400 years ago. Today is today. And today the leader does not own us like how Alexander the Great owned the people around him -- so he could choose to kill them off whenever he felt like it, even his close friends and trusted generals who loved him.

The 8 March 2008 general election was not Anwar brahim's victory. It was not even a Pakatan Rakyat victory. It was a peoples' victory. It was almost like the storming of the Bastille in France 220 years ago. The only thing is, on 8 March 2008, the people did not 'storm the Bastille' with bullets. They did so with ballots. That is the difference and because of that, and although 50% of the people voted for change, we did not quite achieve change because 50% of the votes did not give the people 50% of the seats in Parliament.

If you were to analyse the election results you will discover that all it needed was an additional 300,000 votes for Barisan Nasional to lose its majority in Parliament. Barisan Nasional won 140 seats while the opposition won only 82 seats, both on 50% of the votes each. But if you look at Barisan Nasional's bottom 30 seats you will see that the combined majority is only 300,000 votes.

This means if the opposition had won an additional 300,000 votes then it would have won 112 seats in Parliament against Barisan Nasional's 110. 300,000 more votes would have given the opposition a two-seat majority in Parliament. This was how close it was. And you could also say that the 300,00 votes comes to about the number of postal votes. Therefore, Barisan Nasional won 140 seats against the opposition's 82 because of the postal votes.

Now you know why the Elections Commission will not abolish the postal voting system. Barisan Nasional depends on postal votes to stay in power -- such as how Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's 1,800 loss transformed into a 200 vote win due to the 2,000 postal votes in 1999 and the recent by-election where the postal votes gave Barisan Nasional its 'resounding victory'.

But that is another matter and something we have discussed so many times in the past. The bottom line is: it was the people and not Anwar Ibrahim who led the opposition to victory, if we can even call it that, on 8 March 2008. So we are not talking about an Alexander the Great of 2,400 years ago situation here. We are talking about France of 220 years ago, the time when the people rose up and swept away the powers-that-be, the French Monarchy.

However, just like in France 220 years ago, the people rose up -- a people-driven movement for change of sorts -- but after that the politicians took over and hijacked the revolution. Thereafter the politicians engaged in power play and political intrigue with plots and schemes and counter-plots and counter-schemes in their bid to outdo each other and grab power for themselves. And for a while there was utter chaos and all hell broke loose. The people effected change. Then the politicians took over and turned on the very people who made it all possible.

And this is how I see the Pakatan Rakyat politicians, Anwar Ibrahim included but not confined only to him. The politicians think 8 March 2008 was their success. They think 8 March 2008 is about them and that it was their achievement.

And this is where they are wrong.

The people are on the verge of rising up, yet again. But this time it is not to storm the Bastille. It is to kick out the politicians who hijacked the revolution, like what happened in France 220 years ago. And, just like in France 220 years ago, the same politicians who sent the French Royal Family to the guillotine will in turn be sent to the guillotine by the people who are fed up with the antics of the politicians.

So Anwar Ibrahim and all those Pakatan Rakyat politicians who hijacked the 8 March 2008 'revolution' better beware. The people chopped off the heads of the politicians back in France 220 years ago when the politicians hijacked the revolution that saw the end of the French Monarchy. And the people did this not just because these politicians hijacked the revolution but also because they changed direction and forgot the cause and turned on each other. And the people did not want to go through all the trouble of storming the Bastille just to remove one tyrant for another.

This appears to be happening in Pakatan Rakyat today like it happened in France 220 years ago. And PKR appears to be the weakest link in the three-party opposition coalition. No, the people have no problems with Anwar Ibrahim wanting to become the Prime Minister. As I said, someone has to become the Prime Minister. But it has to be on the peoples' terms. Anwar Ibrahim is not Alexander the Great. Even Alexander the Great went home a defeated man and died soon after, resulting in a short-lived empire when the empire broke up and the successors turned on each other.

Anwar Ibrahim and many of the opposition leaders have this false feeling of grandeur about themselves. But they are not grand, and certainly far from great. They did not make 8 March 2008 happen. The people made it happen. And what the people make the people can break. And the people are of the opinion that the opposition leaders, Anwar Ibrahim included, have lost their direction.

In France, 220 years ago, the people sent the politicians to the guillotine when they lost their way. Unfortunately, we can't do the same thing today. I wish we could though. But the people will certainly use the ballot where they can't use the bullet. And with the current goings-on in the opposition, in particular in PKR, the people will do exactly what they did in France 220 years ago. They are going to axe the heads of the politicians who hijacked the revolution and forgot that it was the people and not the politicians who stormed the Bastille.

ADUN PKR diminta letak jawatan

Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim mengusulkan kepada Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (MPP) PKR supaya ADUN Pelabuhan Klang, Badrul Hisham Abdullah melepaskan jawatan wakil rakyat kawasan tersebut.

Menurut kenyataan pejabat menteri besar hari ini, kerajaan Selangor prihatin terhadap aduan penduduk di Pelabuhan Klang mengenai ketidakupayaan Badrul Hisham menjalankan kewajipan beliau sebagai wakil rakyat.

"Sejak surat tunjuk sebab dikeluarkan kepada beliau pada 20 Ogos 2009. Beliau tidak mengambil sebarang langkah untuk memperbaiki prestasi kerja beliau

"Dalam surat jawapannya. Badrul Hisham telah menyatakan kesudian untuk berjumpa dengan pimpinan negeri dan parti..

"Namun demikian beliau masih enggan berjumpa dengan pimpinan kerajaan negeri ataupun parti, menjawab panggilan telefon dan SMS, serta membuka semula Pusat Khidmat beliau untuk penduduk Pelabuhan Klang," kata kenyataan tersebut.

Berikutan itu, Khalid hari ini membuat satu usul kepada MPP PKR supaya Badrul Hisham meletakkan jawatan sebagai ADUN Pelabuhan Klang.

"Menteri besar juga akan menghantar satu delegasi untuk memaklumkan pendirian tersebut kepadanya dalam masa terdekat.

"Kerajaan Negeri tidak akan bertolak ansur dengan pemimpin yang tidak bertanggungjawab kerana mereka ini hanya akan menggagalkan usaha kerajaan negeri dalam meningkatkan taraf ekonomi dan sosial rakyat," kata kenyataan itu lagi.

As Pakatan wobbles, some start questioning Anwar

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 29 — October is shaping up to be make or break month for the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition.

PKR is fraying at the seams with Jeffrey Kitingan and his allies in Sabah parting ways with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's party.

The constant speculation over the future of PKR secretary-general Datuk Sallehuddin Hashim also adds to the impression that the party is not on a firm footing.

And the troubles surrounding PAS were the last thing the coalition needed.

Last night, PAS leaders averted the possibility of a potentially damaging EGM called by its spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat to remove what he described as "problematic leaders" who were not entirely committed to PR.

The party's central committee promised to set up a disciplinary investigation into the problems the party is facing in Selangor.

And party leaders declared, yet again, that PAS was committed to the PR coalition.

But the public will still need some convincing on PAS's direction.

There appears to be less fear and respect now for Anwar. — File pic

And realistically the PR coalition cannot survive without PAS.

This is because without the structure and support base of PAS it will be hard for the coalition to move ahead with its ambitions of snaring Putrajaya from Barisan Nasional (BN).

While DAP remains relatively stable, PKR remains the weak link in the PR coalition despite the fact that it has the most elected representatives of the three partners.

Instead of addressing its problems PKR leaders appear to be still in denial mode and this was epitomised by remarks made yesterday by its political bureau member Tian Chua.

Chua blamed the media for various "confusing reports" over speculation about Sallehuddin's apparent resignation.

But it has already become an open secret that Sallehuddin is unhappy with the party. And his resignation could well be a matter of when and not if.

In PKR there appears to be less fear and respect now for Anwar.

That is why Datuk Zaid Ibrahim and others are willing to go their own way and are questioning some of Anwar's positions, strategies and appointments.

Zaid, who was sacked from Umno and joined PKR amid some fanfare, had been given the job of formulating a common platform for the three-party coalition.

But the recent flap over his wish to visit Sabah and Sarawak amid an open revolt in the two states caused him to announce his six-month leave from party political work.

What is happening in PKR appears to be a result of its own unwillingness to confront problems early on and effectively.

Even some of Anwar's and PR's biggest supporters among the network of Internet bloggers who helped galvanise support for the opposition during Election 2008 appear to be growing disillusioned.

While many of these pro-PR bloggers still express commitment to the opposition coalition, some of them are questioning Anwar's leadership.

Prominent blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin wrote yesterday of Anwar going into "self-destruct mode."

"Anwar Ibrahim and many of the opposition leaders have this false feeling of grandeur… but are not grand and certainly far from great.

"They did not make March 2008 happen. The people made it happen. And what the people make the people can break. And the people are of the opinion that the opposition leaders, Anwar included, have lost their direction."

Scorpene - apa yang rahsia?

This was forwarded to me by Ladang Batagar - good reading. informative. Translation with thanks by sitadewi.

source : http://steadyaku-steadyaku-husseinhamid.blogspot.com/2009/10/scorpene-apa-yang-rahsia-by-ladang.html

"Had we called for an open tender, we would have exposed our defence secret to the enemies…"

Ketika terbaca jawapan  timbalan menteri pertahanan kepada soalan yang diajukan wakil DAP di Parlimen pada hari Khamis 22hb Oktober, saya menyangka penyelenggara berita online tersilap. Mustahil seorang timbalan menteri yang ada gelaran 'Dr' di hadapan namanya memberi jawapan sedemikian.

Pagi hari berikutnya, saya bergegas ke kedai 7 Eleven berhampiran untuk mencari kepastian. Akhbar Star dan the Sun pun membawa ungkapan serupa. Apalah agaknya ayat yang diguna oleh akhbar berbahasa Melayu. Mungkin berbeza mungkin sama. Sejak kedua-dua kumpulan akhbar ini terpaksa menukar kiblat ke Menara Dato Onn, saya sudah tidak lagi mengikuti omongan pemberita, penulis dan pengarangnya.

"Sekiranya kita menawarkan tender terbuka, kita akan mendedahkan rahsia pertahanan kepada musuh". Mungkin begitulah lebih kurang maknanya jika diterjemah ke Bahasa Melayu.

Mujurlah wakil DAP yang mengajukan soalan sekadar melepas batuk di tangga. Ataupun macam robot yang telah diprogramkan. Asalkan ada soalan sudah memadai. Ketepatan dan kesahihan jawapannya tidak perlu dipersoal. Maka yang menjawab pun yakin 'dalam kelompok orang-orang buta, yang celik sebelah mata menjadi raja'.

Musuh ? Malaysia bermusuh dengan negara mana agaknya. Tak mungkin. Rasanya beliau tersalah ungkap. Atau memang ketika ini Malaysia sedang bermusuhan dengan negara lain.

Israel ? Atau negara jiran yang mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan Israel ? Kalaulah itu yang dimaksudkan, bukan setakat spesifikasi scorpene, kekuatan dan kelemahan kapal selam itu sendiri pun bukan lagi rahsia. Lihat sahajalah bagaimana mereka memusnahkan hampir keseluruhan kekuatan pertahanan udara Mesir pada bulan Jun 1967 dalam apa yang dinamakan sebagai 'peperangan enam hari'.

Atau, apa yang dimaksudkan sebagai musuh itu sebenarnya lebih merupakan 'musuh kepada syarikat yang mendapat durian runtuh'. Kalau dibuat tender terbuka, tentunya ada yang boleh menawarkan pakej yang lebih kompetitif. Dan bila mana tender diberikan kepada syarikat yang menawarkan sebut-harga yang lebih tinggi dengan pakej serupa, maka terjadilah seperti mana yang berlaku dengan cadangan pembelian Eurocopter.   Kerana tender terbuka, semuanya terbuka. Dan syarikat yang gagal, yang merasa mereka tidak diberi peluang beraksi di gelanggang yang sama rata, tidak teragak-agak mendedahkan apa yang kononnya rahsia. 'Siapa yang anda kenal lebih bermakna dari apa yang anda tahu'. (Whom you know is more important than what you know).
"mendedahkan rahsia pertahanan kepada musuh"

Sebelum adanya kemudahan internet, 'Jane's Fighting Ships', sebuah terbitan tahunan (annual publications) menerbitkan senarai komprehensif kapal dan spesifikasi tentera laut lebih seratus enam puluh negara. Termasuklah TLDM. Kini, diera dunia tanpa sempadan, siapa yang berminat boleh melayari laman web 'Jane's Fighting Ships' asalkan sanggup membayar yuran langganan. Apa yang dianggap rahsia sebenarnya sudah lama menjadi rahsia terbuka atau open secret.

KD Rahmat, Jebat dan Lekiu, tiga buah frigate yang ditempah khusus mengikut spesifikasi TLDM mungkin, diawal pembinaan, boleh dikategorikan sebagai rahsia kerana ketiga-tiga buah kapal perang tersebut adalah prototype. Kerana keprotoan itulah, ia mengambil masa enam tahun untuk disiapkan. Tiga tahun lewat dari jadual. Pun begitu, negara mana atau 'musuh' mana yang tidak tahu KD Rahmat adalah kapal pertama di Tenggara Asia yang dilengkapi peluru berpandu 'Seacat' laut ke udara (SAM). Apa yang masih menjadi rahsia hanyalah jumlah 'sasaran' yang dimusnahkan peluru berpandu KD Rahmat, Jebat dan Lekiu.  RTM yang membuat liputan ketika pertama kalinya (dan mungkin terakhir) KD Rahmat menguji peluru berpandu pada tahun 1976 tentu masih menyimpan rakaman yang begitu gah bunyinya "TLDM Berjaya melancarkan peluru berpandu laut ke udara…"

Kerana kejayaan itulah agaknya, maka enam tahun selepas peristiwa itu, pelancar kembar empat (quadruple launcher) KD Rahmat berpindah ke muzium.

Berbeza dengan scorpene. Siapa pun yang melayari internet akan dapat mengetahui bahawa syarikat pembuat kapal selam tersebut mengeluarkan tiga versi. Basic, basic-AIP dan compact. Malaysia pula bukan Negara tunggal yang memiliki kapal selam jenis ini. Yang membezakan antara scorpene milik Malaysia dengan yang dimiliki negara lain cuma kecekapan crew mengendali kapal itu sendiri. Harap-harap, janganlah ada kejadian lawak seperti dalam filem 'Run Silent, Run Deep' yang hampir memusnahkan kapal selam mereka sendiri.

Selepas kebakaran yang memusnahkan KD Seri Inderapura, tidak mustahil yang mustahil menjadi kenyataan.

"mendedahkan rahsia pertahanan kepada musuh"?

Skandal John Profumo dan Chritine Keeler di Britain pada tahun 1963 sepatutnya dijadikan iktibar betapa pentingnya pengasingan mereka yang terlibat dibidang pertahanan dengan wanita 'asing'. Ketika kewarasan fikiran dikuasai nafsu, pandangan jadi kelabu. Profumo hilang pertimbangan. Dia tidak terfikir untuk mengetahui latar belakang Christine Keeler. Fikirannya hanya tertumpu pada tubuh perempuan itu. Walaupun warga Britain, tapi CK juga ada hubungan rapat denga Ivanov, seorang attaché Rusia (ketika itu Soviet Union) di London.

Malang bagi Profumo kerana orang Inggeris tidak pemaaf seperti orang Melayu. Jawatan sebagai setiausaha pertahanan terpaksa dilepaskan. Kalau di Malaysia tidak jadi masalah untuk dia mengekalkan jawatan kerana orang Malaysia mengamalkan (secara terpilih) budaya 'maaf dan lupakan' atau forgive and forget.

Kalau benar kementerian pertahanan menganggap pembelian scorpene perlu dirahsiakan demi keselamatan negara, kenapa pula syarikat yang dianugerahkan tender mengguna khidmat juru bahasa perempuan dari negara luar. Tidak adakah orang Malaysia sendiri yang fasih bertutur dalam Bahasa Perancis. Tidakkah terfikir kemungkinan orang luar itu adalah klon  wanita yang ditiduri Profumo. Ataupun mempunyai DNA yang hampir sama.

Kita boleh perbodoh sekelompok manusia setiap masa, dan semua orang  pada satu-satu ketika, tapi jangan lupa ada masanya kita pula yang memperbodoh diri sendiri

Bekas KSU didakwa rasuah

Bekas ketua setiausaha Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi, Datuk Abdul Hanan Alang Endut hari ini dihadapkan dengan 10 pertuduhan berhubung dakwaan rasuah.

Beliau, antara bekas pegawai tinggi kerajaan yang diseret berhubung isu rasuah, mengaku tidak bersalah di depan hakim Syafeera Mohd Said.

Beliau didakwa menerima suapan RM40,000 bagi meluluskan satu projek syarikat Global Goodway Sdn Bhd di Pulau Pinang.

Abdul Hanan, 56, tiba di mahkamah kira-kira 9.15 pagi, diiringi pegawai-pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM).

Beliau ditahan di ibu pejabat suruhanjaya tersebut di Putrajaya pagi semalam selepas siasatan berbulan-bulan.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

DUN Perak: BN lulus bajet, Pakatan lulus tiga usul

12.55pm: Dalam kekecohan persidangan - 2 dalam 1 - DUN Perak, BN meluluskan bajet negeri, manakala ADUN Pakatan meluluskan tiga usul.

ADUN Pakatan meninggalkan bangunan SUK selepas memberitahu wartawan bahawa ia telah meluluskan tiga usul sewaktu 'bersidang', iaitu:

1. Supaya semua kem program latihan khidmat negara dan program luaran lain digantung sehingga selesai siasatan tragedi di Kampur.

2. (Menerima laporan) Ketua Audit Negara bagi Perak, sewaktu pentadbiran Pakatan; dan

3. Mencadangkan melantik pengerusi PKR Perak, Osman Abdul Rahman sebagai senator.

12.15pm: Zambry bentang usul tangguhkan sidang DUN BN, dan diluluskan.

12.05pm: Dalam sidang DUN Perak - 2 dalam 1 - BN meluluskan bajet negeri di tengah kekecohan sewaktu bersidang, manakala ADUN Pakatan pula mengadakan sidang sendiri dan kemudiannya menangguhkan 'persidangan' mereka.

11.45am: ADUN Pakatan Rakyat meninggalkan Dewan selepas Sivakumar menangguhkan sidang mereka. Mereka kini mengadakan satu sidang akhbar di perpustakaan, berhampiran bilik persidangan.

11.20am: Dua sidang berjalan serentak dalam Dewan. Satu dikendalikan oleh Speaker BN, Ganesan dan satu lagi oleh Speaker Pakatan, Sivakumar.

Sidang DUN BN disambung di tengah-tengah keriuhan dari pihak Pakatan, walaupun pembesar suara mereka telah ditutup.

ADUN Pakatan melaung: "Speaker haram sila keluar".

Ganesan menjawab: "Saya minta ahli ahli dewan bersopan. Jika tidak saya terpaksa ambil tindakan".

Bagaimanpun, setiap kali ADUN BN berucap, ADUN Pakatan bertindak mengejeknya.

11.15am: Speaker Pakatan Rakyat V Sivakumar pula menangguhkan sidang dewan yang dipengerusinya pada jam 10.45 pagi tadi.

11.05am: Sivakumar telah menangguhkan 'sidang' Pakatan.

11.00am: Nizar membentangkan menggantung semua Kem Program Khidmat Negara dan aktiviti ko-kurukulum yang lain ekoran tragedi di Kampar kelmarin, sehingga selesai siasatan. Usul itu 'diluluskan' sebulat suara.

Beliau kemudiannya bercakap mengenai laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008, dengan berkata pentadbirannya telah bertadbir dengan baik (sewaktu 10 bulan pentadbiran Pakatan di Perak). Beliau juga merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada ketua audit negara dan semua jabatan kerajaan.

10.55am: Polis mengarahkan kira-kira 80 penyokong yang berhimpun di luar bangunan sekretariat supaya berada di belakang pita keselamatan. Mereka mematuhi mengejek anggota polis dengan melaungkan: "1Malaysia, 2 Perak, 3 katak!"

Seorang daripada mereka memegang muka depan akhbar Sin Chew Daily hari ini yang memaparkan tajuk utama mengenai tragedi di perkhemahan 1Malaysia kelmarin.

10.45am: Sivakumar memulakan sidang walaupun duduk di kerusi ADUN Tronoh. Beliau meminta dewan bertafakur ekoran kejadian di Kampar kelmarin. Ini membuat beberapa ADUN BN melaungkan "tadi dah buat".

Sivakumar dan rakan-rakannya menjawab: "Itu speaker haram yang buat".

Nizar meminta izin untuk bercakap, tetapi pembesar suaranya ditutup.

Ganesan tidak berbuat demikian, manakala ADUN BN tidak menghiraukan ucapan mereka. Mereka berlegar-legar sambil bercakap, seolah-olah ADUN Pakatan tidak ada dalam dewan itu.

10.35am: Sivakumar ambil tempatnya di kerusi pembangkang.

Chang Lih Kang (PKR-Teja) berkata: "Speaker haram, sila keluar dewan."

Ganesan cuba berkata bahawa beliau telah menangguhkan sidang dewan hingga jam 11.30 pagi, tetapi tidak dihiraukan oleh ADUN Pakatan.

A Sivasubramaniam (DAP-Buntong) berdiri untuk menjelaskan mengapa Ganesan adalah speaker 'haram". ADUN Pakatan menyokongnnya dengan menepuk meja.

Ganesan duduk dikerusinya sambil menggosok dagunya.

10.52am: Walaupun sidang DUN Perak ditangguhkan, tetapi Speaker Datuk R Ganesan masih duduk di kerusinya, mungkin kerana bimbang V Sivakumar duduk di situ.

10.35am: Sekitar bangunan sekretariat kerajaan negeri Perak dikawal ketat ketika sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) bagi pembentangan bajet bermula.

ADUN Pakatan Rakyat mendakwa polis menghalang mereka masuk ke dalam Dewan, dan mendakwa beberapa orang daripada mereka telah dikasari. Mereka masuk ke Dewan sewaktu Speaker menangguhkan sidang selama sejam mulai jam 10.20 pagi.

10.22am: ADUN Pakatan masuk ke dewan, sambil mengejek Speaker sebelum duduk di tempat masing-masing.

Terdengai komen: "Wah! Speaker haram, bodyguard banyak" dan "Woi, Ganesan pakai sari lebih baik lah!".

10.20am: Ganesan menangguhkan sidang dewan sehaingga jam 11.20 pagi.

10.15am: Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir mula membentang bajet. ADUN Pakatan belum kelihatan.

Bagaimanapun, satu drama berlaku di luar bangunan.

Sepasukan anggota polis yang diketuai oleh OCCI Ipoh Anthony Glenn didakwa menghalang ADUN Pakatan daripada masuk ke Dewan beberapa kali dan mengkasari sebahagian daripada mereka.

Menteri Besar Pakatan, Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin memberitahu pemberita bahawa mereka dihalang sebelum dapat menaiki lif.

Sivakumar mendakwa anggota polis merampas songkoknya, tetapi tidak berjaya merampas jubahnya.

ADUN masuk semula ke dalam bangunan selepas sidang akhbar, tetapi Sivakumar muncul semula bersama ADUN Jalong Leong Mee Meng - kali ini tanpa memakai jubah.

"Mereka merampas jubah saya dan memukul beberapa orang ADUN di dalam bangunan," dakwanya.

10.20am Speaker Datuk R Ganesan menangguhkan persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Perak selama sejam sehingga jam 11.20 pagi.

10.05am: Speaker Datuk Ganesan memulakan sidang dengan membuat pengumuman mengenai larangan penggunaan alat-alat rakaman dan telefon bimbit di dalam Dewan. Pengawal keselamatan dewan diberi kuasa merampasnya.

Katanya, jumlah pengawal keselamatan telah ditambah - sekurang-kurangnya 22 orang di dalam Dewan - bagi menghalang berulang kekecohan seperti yang berlaku pada 7 Mei lalu.

Dewan bertafakur sebenar berhubung kejadian seorang peserta perkhemahan 1Malaysia yang lemas di Kampar malam kelmarin, apabila jambatan gantung yang dilalui peserta runtuh.

10.00am Sesi sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Perak bermula dengan bacaan doa. Kerusi pembangkang masih kosong, ekoran spekulasi ADUN Pakatan masih melalui pemeriksaan ketat.

9.50am Semua ADUN Pakatan Rakyat masuk ke bangunan sekretariat kerajaan negeri selepas melalui dua sekatan polis. Polis membiarkan mereka masuk.

9.45am Para ADUN Pakatan Rakyat mula bergerak dari pejabat DAP untuk menghadiri sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Perak. V Sivakumar kelihatan memakai jubah Speaker.

9am: Masih tidak nampak sebarang perhimpunan tetapi ADUN mula memasuk bangunan sekretariat. Antara yang awal tiba ialah pengerusi DAP Perak, Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham Thomas Su tetapi mereka tidak dibenar masuk ke dalam bangunan, menyebabkan berlaku pertengkaran antara kedua mereka dengan polis. Akhirnya, polis membenar Ngeh dan Su masuk.

Laporan awal:

Polis mengawal ketat di luar bangunan sekretariat kerajaan negeri di Ipoh pagi ini menjelang sidang DUN untuk pembentangan bajet.

Helikopter polis kelihatan berlegar-legar di udara di atas bangunan sekretariat. Para wartawan masuk ke dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) selepas pemeriksaan ketat.

Sidang tersebut dipanggil oleh kedua-dua Speaker BN, Datuk R Ganesan dan Speaker Pakatan Rakyat, V Sivakumar.

Ganesan sebelum ini menggantikan Sivakumar ekoran kontroversi BN mengambil alih pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Mei lalu.

Ekoran Pakatan masih terus mempertikaikan kesahan kerajaan negeri BN, maka sidang hari ini dijangka panas.

Bagi mengelak sebarang kekecohan, pihak polis juga telah mendapatkan perintah mahkamah lewat semalan untuk melarang sebarang perhimpunan dalam jarak 50 meter dari bangunan sekretariat. Perintah itu berkuatkuasa hari ini sehingga 11 malam Jumaat ini.

Awal pagi ini, polis telah menempatkan sekurang-kurangnya lapan trak, sebuah van, dua jib, dua tarik Unit Simpanan Persekutuan dan dua trak meriam air di luar bangunan sekretariat.

Kenderaana pertama polis tiba di bangunan itu pada kira-kira jam 6.20 pagi. Beberapa anggota polis juga ditempat di dalam bangunan tersebut.

pada jam 7 pagi, anggota polis mula memasang benteng dan dawai berduri untuk menghalang orang ramai yang tidak berkenaan masuk ke bangunan tersebut. Kira-kira 450 anggota polis berkawal di bangunan itu.

Sidang dewan dijadual bermula jam 10 pagi tetapi pintu bangunan sekretariat dijangka dibuka pada jam 9 pagi untuk membolehkan ADUN Bn masuk ke dewan.

Difahamkan ADUN Pakatan hanya akan dibenarkan masuk ke dewan pasda jam 9.55 pagi, bagi mengelak berlaku insiden merebut kerusi Speakar.

Malaysiakini.com : Siva: Notis maklum bubar DUN palsu

Speaker Pakatan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Perak V Sivakumar hari ini mendakwa beliau menjadi mangsa taktik kotor melalui penyebaran notis makluman sidang DUN palsu yang memaklumkan Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah berkenan membubarkan DUN.

Bercakap pada sidang akhbar di pejabat DAP di Ipoh, Sivakumar menafikan yang beliau mengeluarkan notis itu.

"Saya akan membuat laporan polis berhubung perkara ini," kata Sivakumar yang juga ADUN Tronoh yang turut memberikan salinan contoh notis terbabit.

Notis menggunakan kepala surat Speaker DUN Perak bertarikh 23 Oktober 2009 itu memaklumkan bahawa sidang DUN hari ini akan diadakan di Hotel Heritage bagi membentangkan Bajet 2010 dan usul pembuburan dewan oleh ADUN Pasir Panjang Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin.

Notis berkenaan turut memaklumkan bahawa Sultan Azlan Shah telah berkenan menerima menghadap Mohammad Nizar di Istana Kinta di sini pada 3 petang hari ini bagi membubarkan DUN Perak untuk membolehkan pilihan raya negeri diadakan.

Sivakumar berkata beliau hanya mengetahui perkara itu ketika menghadiri sidang DUN di Bangunan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri hari ini.

Dalam perkembangan lain, Sivakumar mendakwa polis menggunakan kekerasan terhadap Adun pakatan pembangkang yang menghadiri sidang DUN di Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan hari ini dengan merampas peralatan elektronik seperti kamera, kamera video dan komputer riba.

Beliau turut mendakwa polis bertindak kasar semasa merampas Jubah Speaker yang dipakainya. - Bernama

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The following PDF is a copy of the original MACC exposé letter bearing the MACC letterhead:

MACC-expose.pdf – demanding truth and justice for Teoh Beng Hock

(Translated version in English is available.)

Last week we have heard the renown forensic expert testifying that Teoh most likely died of homicide (meaning "Teoh kena pukul sampai mati"). The testimony makes the exposé letter even more reliable and real. When will the government NOT sweep it under the carpet? When will Hishamuddin bin Hisham, the deputy director of MACC Selangor, be investigated and called to the witness stand? WHEN!?


MT : Perak Assembly: Sivakumar adjourns Pakatan "assembly"

(The Star) - 11.45am: Sivakumar adjourns Pakatan "assembly". Pakatan reps begin walking out of sitting.

11.30am: Former mentri besar and Pengkalan Hulu assemblyman Datuk Seri Tajol Rosli Ghazali seconds state Budget presented by Dr Zambry. Pakatan reps interrupt their Barisan counterparts when they speak. Slim assemblyman Datuk Mohd Khusairi Abdul Talib says Ganesan should take action against Pakatan assemblymen for turning assembly into "circus". Ganesan announces for Budget to be read a second time.

11.20am: Assembly reconvenes. Pakatan reps are calling for Ganesan to vacate the Speaker's seat.

10.55am: Pakatan reps 'take over' sitting. Sivakumar, Nizar and Ngeh speak. While they were doing so, Barisan reps stood up and walked around.

Outside the SUK building, FRU orders people to stay inside the five-foot walkway of the shops below the DAP headquarters, which is opposite the SUK building.

10.40am: Buntong rep A. Subramaniam stands up and asks Ganesan to vacate his seat. Subramaniam says Bar Council registry shows Ganesan was still a practising lawyer three months after his appointment on May 7.

10.20am: Speaker Ganesan adjourns sitting to 11.20am.

10.15am: Dr Zambry gives his Budget speech but Pakatan reps are still not present at the sitting.

Sivakumar came out for less than a minute alleging that the police manhandled him and removed the speaker's robes he was wearing. He went back in after claiming that several Pakatan assemblymen were also manhandled by police.

FRU instructs media and public to get behind police line 50m away. PAS members pray in front of mamak restaurant located opposite the SUK building.

10.07am: Pakatan assemblymen now re-enter the SUK building. Assembly observes minute of silence for the pupil who was killed in Kampar bridge tragedy.

10.05am: Pakatan representatives walk out of assembly after Sivakumar is asked to remove speaker's robe. They are now speaking to reporters outside the SUK buidling

10.00am: Assembly starts but Pakatan assemblymen not present.

9.52am: Former speaker V. Sivakumar, former mentri besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, Ngeh and state rep Nga Ko Ming are part of the Pakatan assemblymen who enter the SUK building. Sivakumar is wearing his speaker's robe.

9.50am: Pakatan crowd now directly facing SUK building. Police say only the state assemblymen can pass through last barricade to the building.

9.45am: Pakatan assemblymen and supporters begin march onto Jalan Istana towards the SUK building, shouting, "Hidup, hidup. Hidup Rakyat." They also put on a show of solidarity in front of press photographers amid claps and cheers. Ngeh talks to police and FRU at one level of barricades on Lorong Istana before being allowed through.

9.27am: Estimated 150 curious onlookers, PAS and DAP supporters gather in front of entrance to DAP headquarters. Police in flourescent yellow vests line Jalan Istana, the road leading to the state secretariat building. Heaviest police presence in front of the gate.

9.05am: Police helicopter takes to the air, seen flying above state secretariat compound.

9.00am: Police stop impromptu press conference by DAP rep Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham. Perak CID chief seen talking to Ngeh and Thomas Su. Ngeh and Su claimed they were blocked from entering the state secretariat building.

8.55am: Police personnel putting up yellow police tape to demark 50m distance from state secretariat building.

8.50am: Pakatan assemblymen begin to arrive at state secretariat building.

8.30am: An estimated 400 police personnel have been stationed in the area. A total of about 20 police and FRU trucks also stationed.

8.00am: Heavy police presence around the area surrounding the Perak state secretariat building (SUK), where the State Assembly sitting is scheduled to begin later Wednesday morning. Police and Federal Reserve Unit trucks with security personnel have gathered at the area.

Barb wires have been placed on the sidewalk between the building and DAP headquarters. Roadblocks have been set up. Only authorised vehicles are being allowed on Jalan Istana which leads to the state secretariat building.

IPOH: A timetable to enter the assembly hall has been set by Speaker Datuk R. Ganesan for the respective assemblymen, government officers and media.

Barisan Nasional assemblyman are scheduled to enter before 9.55am followed by Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen.

Members of the media, government officers and dignitaries can start entering the hall from 9.30am.

High drama is expected at the sitting where Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir is scheduled to table the state budget.

Pakatan's agenda since it was toppled earlier this year has been to keep up the political momentum for their cause by employing tactics such as challenging each and every sitting of the legislative assembly to show they do not recognise the Barisan government.

In the previous May 7 session, chaos had erupted including when the then-Speaker V. Sivakumar had been dragged out of the House.

Sidang DUN Perak live dari idhamlim.blogspot.com (ADUN Titi Serong)

11.29 am : Dua sidang dalam satu dewan sedang berjalan

Sekarang ini dua sedang berjalan iaitu sidang yang dikendalikan oleh Speaker yang sah V.Sivakumar, dan Speaker haram Ganesan.

10.21 am : Polis halang kami masuk.

Pemeriksaan ketat sebelum masuk.

Semua Adun masih bertahan dan tidak dibenarkan masuk ke dewan. Berlaku kekecohan.

10.15 am : Kami keluar ke kawasan lapang, YB Siva dihalang.

Suasana kecoh dan pergelutan semasa polis telah berjaya merampas jubah YB Sivakumar dikawasan letak kereta.

Kami sekarang berehat setelah berlaku pergelutan yang melampau sehingga jubah YB Siva dirampas dan YB Siva sudah ada bersama kami sekarang dan akan masuk ke dewan.

Susasana pergelutan polis ingin merampas jubah Speaker Sivakumar.

Two sittings, scuffles and a lot of shouting at the Perak assembly

By Clara Chooi and Syed Jaymal Zahiid

IPOH, Oct 28 — The Perak state assembly proceedings turned farcical again, just as it did on May 7, with both Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) holding separate proceedings in the same hall amid some minor scuffles.

Both BN and PR held simultaneous sittings in the same hall presided over by the current Speaker Datuk R. Ganesan and the man who was physically ousted on May 7, V. Sivakumar.

The proceedings began at 10am by Ganesan, who was seated in the speaker's chair even before the media were allowed into the hall at 9.30am.

At the time, BN assemblymen too were seated and ready.

When the proceedings began, however, the PR assemblymen were nowhere in sight.

It was learned later that they were accosted at the entrance into the hall by policemen who tried to rip off the speaker's ceremonial robes, which former speaker Sivakumar had put on.

According to PR assemblymen, the scuffle was violent and turned into something of a fist fight as some in the group of 28 attempted to protect Sivakumar from being harassed.

Despite this, however, the robe as well as the speaker's songkok were successfully confiscated by the police.

Inside the assembly hall, the proceedings continued in a silence so deafening many pressmen found it hard to concentrate.

No one knew where the PR assemblymen were and those stationed outside the State Secretariat had already reported that the group had been allowed in without much ceremony.

Earlier, there was tight security outside the assembly hall with police imposing checks on anyone entering.

PR state lawmakers, led by ousted Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin and Perak DAP chief Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham, were carefully screened before they were allowed to pass the police blockade.

No untoward incident took place when PR assemblymen passed the blockade. They acted courteously while their supporters obeyed police instruction to disperse after their leaders were allowed to pass.

Both Nizar and Ngeh had earlier gathered and marched alongside all the PR assemblymen from the Perak DAP office situated just a few hundred metres from the state building.

They were also accompanied by some 100 supporters chanting "Long live the rakyat". A huge number of curious onlookers were seen at a nearby restaurant watching the drama unfold before them.

Prior to the assembly proceedings, Ganesan called for the 31 BN assemblymen and all those in the hall to stand and observe a minute of silence to mark the tragedy in Kampar yesterday, when one girl died after a suspension bridge collapsed.

Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir then stood to push for a motion to change the order of the day.

Before the clock hit 10.30am, however, loud noises were heard outside the assembly hall coming from the back entrance, which was designated specifically for the BN assemblymen.

At the time, Ganesan had just decided to adjourn the sitting to 11.20am.

Sivakumar and his PR colleagues then marched into the hall, and the ousted Speaker proceeded to call the assembly to order.

Ousted Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin then tables a motion calling for all 1 Malaysia and National Service camps to be suspended following the Kampar tragedy.

A separate motion was also tabled calling for the assembly to be dissolved. It was passed by PR representatives while their BN colleagues ignored them and chatted with each other.

Sivakumar then adjourns the PR "assembly".

But all hell broke loose again when Ganesan called for the assembly to order as Sivakumar proceeded to do the same.

Both BN and PR assemblymen then proceed to out-shout each other with two assemblies going on at the same time, and the legislature descended into a theatre of absurdity.

Amid shouting from PR lawmakers, BN tables the state Budget. As Zambry stands to speak, he is greeted by shouts of "lanun" (pirate).

PR assemblymen also stand up to speak while their BN colleagues drown them with shouts of their own.

Eventually, the BN government approves the state Budget despite protests from PR lawmakers.

Sivakumar then "adjourns" the sitting and PR lawmakers stroll out.

As PR assemblymen walk by the Speaker's chair, they offer an ironic greeting of "Happy Deepavali" to Ganesan.