Lately, we can see than there are parties that are taking advantage on issue related to Malays and Islam. It seems that in Malaysia, Muslim are Malays and Malays are Muslim. That is the main problem here.
Any issue related to Muslim is taken care as if it is a Malay issue. Malays are sensitive because they think that anything insulting Malays means it is insulting Islam. But they are not sensitive of other religions sensitivity when they stepped on the cow head which is the God of Hindu, which in Malaysia ironically refers to Indians. Malaysians have the wrong understanding where they tend to relate certain race with certain religion. Muslim are Malays and Hindu are Indians. There is no where in the Holy Quran stated that Muslim refers to Malay. When a Muslim dies, the angel would not ask what race are you but instead will ask what religion are you?
So, my question is whether should we tackle the Islam sensitive issues from a Malay’s perspective or from a Muslim perspective. If you take it from a Muslim perspective then it will be easy to resolve because your judgment is based on what is best for Islam and what does Islam say about it. But if you tackle the issue based on the Malay’s perspective that is where the all disagreements come from.
From Islam point of view, it is not wrong to pray and ask for Allah’s forgiveness for your non Muslim friends. You may pray to Allah asking for good health of a non Muslim friend who might be ill, that is not wrong in Islam. Plus, you can do it anywhere and at anytime, such as after your 5 daily prayers or when you visit him at the hospital. It means that you can also pray for him in any occasion including Friday sermon. That is what Islam says. Every Muslim believes that Islam is a very friendly religion and it teaches us to be good to each and every creature created by Allah.
Now, let us take it from the Malays point of view. Some Malays do not feel comfortable to pray for the good health of his enemy which might be a Muslim or might be a non Muslim. The Malay’s mindset is stuck to Malays are Muslim and Muslim are Malays! They forgot than is it never mentioned even a single word in Al-Quran about Malays. Quran mentions about Arabs and Jews but none about Malays. It means Malays has no special place near to Allah, but Muslims are. So is it right for Muslims to make judgment by prioritizing race rather than Islam? Is the race much more important that the religion of Islam?
This is the root cause of our Malay Muslim problems in Malaysia today. We need to think Islamically in order to move forward. Islam has never asked Muslim or Malays to treat other race or other religion believers differently. Islam asked Muslim to respect everybody without considering his religion and race. We cannot tackle an Islam related issue using a Malay friendly solution. Your Malays influenced decisions might make some of the Malays happy but in the end you might be punished by Allah as your decision is not based on Islam guidance or it might also go against Islam’s guidance.
So, is it Islam that is root of all the problems or is it the Malay’s mindset that is the main root problem? We have to be rational in order to come up with a rational and fair decision. An Islam related issue must be tackled using Islam guidelines and principles and you can't solve it emotionally or politically. Remember only Muslims in Malaysia are related closely to Malays but around the globe Muslims are from all races and skin colors, yet they are all the same in the eye of Allah, you can see it when the Hajj comes. Malays, Chinese, Indians, African, Arabs and all others races in the world unites in front of Kaabah praying to Allah. It is Islam that matters doesn’t care whether you are a Malay or not!
yea, i agree with you. there's always miss understanding in this situation. sometimes people often over reacted regarding certain matter without making a rational thinking.
I think there is an error in your last para where you mentioned Islam when I THINK you intended it to be Malay.
The problem is definitely with the Malay mindset. No question. That mischievious and inflammatory little mufti from Perak is the personification of your little dilemma.
There is never a problem anywhere else in the world except "tanah melayu".
You take the "Malay" and that provocative little pea-brained mufti and his mates out of the equation and everything will hunky-dory.
Islam is a wonderful religion.Islam means PEACE,but the problem is the Malay politicians mindset needs to change to be a good Muslim if they really follows the Koran.
Yes agree Malay mindset have to be change. Islam must come first but as a results of indoctrination of more than 50 years the majority of Malay will do whatever it takes to preserve the so called "Malay Supremacy". As a muslim, we have to be polite and sincere to our non muslim friends not like one the principal who asked her student to go back to China, one of the BTN product I think. Somehow I wondering my great "Moyang" came from Jawa, should I be tranported back to Indonesia?
The Malays have been hoodwinked by the Mamaks for decades, and yet some of them are still snoring!!!!!!
I am a Sabahan. In Sabah all races used to live happily and peacefully together and we were colour-blind before UMNO came in to poison our minds with their racial politics. Everthing no matter how trifle it is will be spinned into a racial matter by UMNO day in and day out. We are really sick about it all.
Recently a few friends and myself who never voted in our whole life have decided to register as new voters - with the Opposition if you wish to know. We just can afford to sit back and do nothing now seeing that UMNO is leading our beloved country to total destruction.
Your article is pretentious and it is also insulting. "Are you so sure that the angels are going to ask you what religion you profess?" Meaning to say that GOD the omnipresent needs clarification from a mere soul?
How much do you know about Hindus to claim a "cow-head is their GOD"? Please understand Hindus like all other intelligent beings have know and believe that there is only ONE SUPREME CONSCIOUSNESS (AL LAH in Arabic) which is the SAME as what you believe in. The various icons and symbols are revered as the manifestations of this ONE consciousness in the whole universe. Every thing is a manifestation of this ONE.
It is only the Arab/Abrahimic culture that makes distinction from your GOD and my GOD and that too because of politics.
Go back to understanding your fellow Humans before understanding GOD and there will be PEACE on EARTH.
J.Yong well done for your effort to register as new voter, if possible try to get as many friends and relatives to register as well. I have visited Sabah last year and I feel quite amazing and wonderful because the people there are so nice and friendly. Anyway we have to change since our nation still being run with "divide and rule" concept, inherited from British legacy I guess
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