KUALA LUMPUR, July 26 – Former Petronas chairman Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has rubbished reasons given by the federal government over its dismissal of the Kelantan state government's claim on oil royalties and says that the national oil company is obligated by law to pay up. The Kelantan state government has claimed that is is owed RM1 billion in royalties from oil that has been extracted in an offshore area bordering Thailand. In response, Information Communication and Culture Minister, Datuk Seri Rais Yatim had said that the Kelantan demand for oil royalty had no legal basis and was made to earn political mileage. According to Tengku Razaleigh however, the vesting deed agreement, which he signed on behalf of Petronas as founding chairman and CEO, entitles the state to five per cent of any revenue derived from hydrocarbon deposits found on or offshore of the state. "If I am chairman still of Petronas, I will pay without all the fuss," he told The Malaysian Insider in an interview earlier this week. "And I feel all the more it should be paid because I signed the agreement! There is no two ways about it. It must be paid." The former finance minister declined to comment on whether political considerations played a part in the decision not to pay Kelantan oil royalties but noted that Terengganu oil royalty payments were suspended when it was under the opposition but was reinstated when it returned to Barisan Nasional rule last year. "I don't know what kind of politics they are playing," he said. He also agreed with the view that the government is currently overdependent on Petronas oil revenue and that it needs to scale down expenditure. The following is the conversation between The Malaysian Insider (TMI) and Tengku Razaleigh, who is also known as Ku Li:
Ku Li: I think it is a very straightforward issue. It shouldn't be an issue because we signed the vesting deed agreement with all the state governments, including Sabah and Sarawak. And it's very straightforward and very simple piece of legislation. Anybody who reads it will understand it without having to consult a lawyer. Simply put, we agreed to pay any state in the federation if oil is found onshore or offshore. In this instance, oil is found offshore, which is a joint development area with Thailand. And it became like that because we did not file with the Law of the Sea Convention in Geneva to reiterate that that was our offshore area. So the Thais decided to move ahead and as a result, through negotiation, we adopted the same area as a joint development area. Now that is just off the state of Kelantan. Under the vesting deed agreement, if oil is found there and Petronas make profit from the joint development and of course it is 50:50 share (with Thailand), Petronas will earn 50 per cent of profit. If they earn that much money, then 5 per cent must be paid to the state in cash.
Ku Li: No, no. Because Petronas is operating in what is an offshore area of Kelantan. It is very straightforward. Otherwise Petronas cannot have a joint venture with Thailand.
Ku Li: I don't think there is a (need for) legal redress, I think it is obligatory on the part of Petronas to pay. You see, the whole thing behind this issue was, I went to Tun Razak, who was prime minister then. I said: let's do this vesting deed agreement because Selangor and Perak were difficult with us at that time, to sign the vesting deed agreement. So I told Tun Razak that on the east coast, there is potential for oil and gas. And why not we also do the same to bring in uniformity and we pay 5 per cent even if oil is found offshore in the area that is under the federal jurisdiction. So it was agreed and since we signed with the mentri besar of Kelantan, or I signed with the mentri besar of Kelantan the vesting deed agreement, if oil is found in the offshore area, although it is under the federal jurisdiction, even though it is in joint venture with the Thais today, 5 per cent must be paid to the state. As simple as all that.
Ku Li: I don't think there is a need to take Petronas to court. Petronas has to pay, that's all. If I am chairman still of Petronas, I will pay without all the fuss. Because, look, we have this money and we want to help states like Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah because those states are poor states, undeveloped states, like Sabah, Sarawak, they are also undeveloped states. Why grudge the pay? Those people are tax payers all the same. They may have supported PAS in the last election. But it does not mean they are not citizens of this country. They have same rights as the others.
Ku Li: I am not making any guess. But I think they should be paid because the law says so. And I feel all the more it should be paid because I signed the agreement! There is no two ways about it. It must be paid. Previously they suspended payment to the state of Terengganu, when it was previously receiving this cash payment from Petronas. I don't know why they did that. Maybe for political reasons. Now it has been restored because under the law, you have to pay the state. You cannot pay to the federal government departments here. Because they're not entitled to it. It's the state concerned that it entitled to the payment. Similarly with Kelantan. There is no escape. I don't know what kind of politics they are playing.
Ku Li: It would, because of the pension bill and all the extraneous expenses incurred. Naturally, it will. And the interest, the cost of money, that the government bears is large. Unless they scale this down. I am sure the expenditure is going to be more than revenue and because of that, I think they are quite dependent on Petronas revenue now. But the Petronas revenue is falling, because of the fall in the price of crude oil. The world price has fallen.
Ku Li: Well, the government has no money (chuckles). Basic. I'm told that some of the contracts awarded prior to this, are being delayed because payment has not been made, because the government has to reschedule the repayment of the contract work. |
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Msian Insider : Ku Li says Petronas must pay Kelantan oil royalties
Malaysiakini.com : Bekas naib presiden MIC serta PKR
Bekas naib presiden MIC, SS Subramaniam hari ini menyertai PKR dan merupakan pemimpin MIC paling kanan yang melompat menyertai pembangkang.
Beliau mendakwa pembubaran cawangan-cawangan tersebut membabitkan kira-kira 2,500 ahli MIC yang melompat menyertai PKR. "Saya telah menyokong dasar PKR dan Ketua Umumnya, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sejak sekian lama, tetapi baru sekarang saya berani mengatakan bahawa saya menyertai parti tersebut," katanya disambut sorakan gemuruh hadirin. Subramaniam menjadi naib presiden MIC selama 20 tahun dan juga menjadi naib pengerusi MIC Selangor selama tiga dekad. |
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Msia Insider : Sept 2 for Anwar to know fate of Sodomy II
The High Court today fixed the date to hear his bid to strike out the sodomy complaint by his former male aide Saiful Bukhari Azlan made in June 2008. The court will also then decide on trial dates if the case continues. The case suffered another delay after the court allowed prosecutors a stay of a decision to allow the defence access to more evidence. The stay is pending an appeal filed at the Court of Appeal. |
Zaid: Cabinet decision moves reforms back to square one
![]() Zaid attacked the Cabinet for its short-sightedness in handling Teoh Beng Hock's death. — File pic The former minister tasked with law reforms told The Malaysian Insider the decision to split the investigations between a magistrate's court and a royal commission of inquiry seemed like another "ploy for cover-ups." "Why split?" he asked. "The magistrate will determine the cause of death? Which is a fall from a high place. Then the royal commission is for determining procedures adopted by MACC? Don't they have a manual? Then who determines the culprits? The police," Zaid huffed in a text message. "So we're back to square one. Sickening. The rakyat will not get the truth from this government," he added, disgusted by the turn of events. He noted that a royal commission would be unlikely to solve the deep-seated problems affecting the public's trust in government institutions, pointing to the failure of the Attorney-General to follow up with concrete action after the highly-publicised royal commission of inquiry's hefty report on Datuk V.K. Lingam disclosed incriminating evidence of hanky-panky between the prominent lawyer and several influential VIPs, including judges, politicians and business tycoons. "Did you get anything from the royal commission on Lingam video? None. What's the difference now? There will be cover-ups and more cover-ups," he said despairingly. Zaid, who is away in London, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak must answer to the public on the government's lack of determination to see justice done on the wrong-doers, all the way through to the end. A celebrated lawyer himself, Zaid had been handpicked by fifth prime minister Tun Abdullah AhmadBadawi to head the reform packages before quitting Umno and his ministerial post in protest last year. Though he has since joined up with the Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's opposition PKR, he defended his former boss, fondly known as Pak Lah, who finally lifted the secrecy surrounding the royal commission's report. "It was because of Pak Lah, despite strong objections, that the report of the commission was released. "The investigation by the A-G should have followed and action taken. What happened to that? Pak Lah left after that. The present PM must answer that question," he said. |
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Kes Anwar: Pendakwa dapat penangguhan interim
Mahkamah Tinggi hari ini memberikan penangguhan pelaksanaan interim, bagi permohonan penangguhan yang dibuat oleh pihak pendakwaan terhadap perintah Mahkamah Tinggi supaya menyerahkan sebahagian besar dokumen yang diminta Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Mahkamah memerintahkan ianya diserahkan kepada pihak pembelaan sebelum perbicaraan kes liwatnya bermula, sementara menunggu perbicaraan permohonan penangguhan pelaksanaan pada hari Jumaat ini. Pada 16 Julai lalu, Hakim Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah membenarkan permohonan Anwar dan mengarahkan pihak pendakwaan menyerahkan dokumen itu dalam tempoh tujuh hari, dan tempoh itu tamat esok. Mahkamah menetapkan Jumaat ini untuk mendengar sebutan semula permohonan Anwar bagi mengenepikan dakwaan liwat terhadapnya dan sebutan semula kes itu. Mohamad Zabidin hari ini membenarkan permohonan pihak pembelaan menangguhkan pendengaran bagi permohonan penangguhan yang dibuat, untuk membolehkan ia menjawab afidavit sokongan yang diserahkan kepadanya oleh pihak pendakwaan semalam. Mahkamah hari ini dijadualkan untuk mendengar permohonan penangguhan itu, namun seorang daripada peguam Anwar, Amer Hamzah Arshad berkata pihaknya hanya menerima salinan notis usul serta afidavit itu semalam, dan memerlukan masa untuk menjawabnya. Bagaimanapun Peguam Cara Negara II, Datuk Mohamed Yusof Zainal Abiden, yang mengetuai pasukan pendakwaan, membantah kerana menurutnya afidavit yang dikemukakan itu lebih bersifat fakta undang-undang dan berhubung dakwaan. Di dalam affidavit itu, pihak pendakwaan antaranya menyatakan penangguhan pelaksanaan perintah mahkamah pada 16 Julai itu adalah perlu kerana perintah itu berhubung kenyataan saksi yang dirakamkan di bawah Seksyen 112 Kanun Prosedur Jenayah yang diarahkan dibekalkan kepada Anwar, akan memberi impak yang mana akan memudaratkan penyiasatan pendakwaan bukan sahaja dalam kes ini tetapi dalam kes jenayah lain. Affidavit itu juga menyatakan penangguhan pelaksanaan perintah mahkamah itu juga perlu bagi mengelakkan rayuan pendakwaan terhadap perintah itu di Mahkamah Rayuan menjadi akademik kerana ia adalah persoalan undang-undang yang penting. Anwar, 65, didakwa meliwat bekas pembantu peribadinya, Mohamad Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 24, di Desa Damansara Kondominium, Jalan Setiakasih, Bukit Damansara pada 26 Jun tahun lalu. Hakim turut membenarkan permohonan peguam Amer Hamzah untuk memberi kebenaran kepada Anwar untuk tidak menghadiri pendengaran permohonan penangguhan itu Jumaat ini. |
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
DSAI berhubung laporan polis beliau yang dibuat pada 21 Julai 2009
Hari ini saya telahpun membuat dua laporan berasingan di Balai Polis Damansara. Laporan polis pertama adalah berkaitan prosiding perbicaraan saya di mana saya telah pun menfailkan permohonan mengenepikan pertuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas saya kerana ianya merupakan satu konspirasi politik berniat jahat. Affidavit yang saya kemukakan untuk menyokong permohonan menolak pertuduhan terhadap saya, menjelaskan dari perenggan 53 sehingga 63 bagaimana Tan Sri Gani Patail dan Tan Sri Musa Hassan terlibat di dalam membuat laporan palsu oleh ACP Koh Hong Sun berhubung penahanan saya di bawah ISA pada 20/21 September 1998. Gani dan Musa juga terlibat memalsukan bukti di dalam siasatan serangan ke atas saya oleh Tan Sri Rahim Noor. Ini antara contoh peranan kedua-dua mereka sehingga kini yang terlibat di dalam konspirasi politik dan memalsukan keterangan/bukti terhadap saya. Dato Razak bin Musa (Pengarah Bahagian Perundangan dan Pendakwaan, SPRM) dan Hanafiah bin Hj Zakariah (Timbalan Pendakwa Raya yang berada di dalam pasukan pendakwaan) telah menfailkan affidavit bertarikh 30 Jun 2009. Saya menemui kenyataan palsu yang terkandung di dalam affidavit tersebut. Saya percaya mereka menyedari kepalsuan kenyataan-kenyataan tersebut namun masih tetap memasukkannya untuk tujuan digunakan di dalam prosiding mahkamah nanti. Tindakan mereka adalah satu kesalahan jenayah dan menguatkan serta mengesahkan hujah bahawa saya berhadapan dengan pasukan pendakwaan yang merupakan sebahagian dari konspirasi politik sebagaimana yang wujud ketika perbicaraan 1998 itu. Razak dengan sengaja mengelirukan Mahkamah Tinggi, walaupun sudah mengangkat sumpah, dengan berkata panel yang dianggotai oleh tiga hakim bersara (Datuk Kadir bin Sulaiman, Datuk Wira Mohd Noor bin Ahmad dan Datuk Mohama Noor bin Abdullah) telah mendapati Gani tidal terlibat dalam sebarang kesalahan jenayah. Razak selaku ketua jabatan perundangan dan pendakwaan SPRM sewajarnya menyedari sekurang-kurangnya seorang ahli panel dari tiga hakim tersebut mendapati Gani sememangnya melakukan kesalahan jenayah. Hanafiah pula selaku Timbalan Pendakwaraya Kanan semestinya sudah menyiasat dan meneliti fakta-fakta tersebut sebelum memasukkan affidavit Razak yang mengandungi kenyataan palsu ke dalam affidavit pendakwaan. Laporan polis kedua yang saya kemukakan berhubung kegagalan pihak polis untuk menyiasat laporan yang dibuat oleh saya pada 20 Febuari 2009 ke atas Gani dan Musa berkaitan peranan mereka memalsukan laporan polis berkaitan penahanan saya pada 20 September 1998 yang difailkan oleh ACP Koh Hong Sun. Peguam cara saya telah menghantar surat bertarikh 23 April 2009 kepada OCS Balai Damansara untuk mengetahui status laporan, namun sehingga ke saat ini belum ada sebarang jawapan. Datuk Hishamuddin Hussein di dalam jawapan yang bertarikh 22hb terhadap soalan yang dikemukakan oleh YB Sivarasa di dalam Parlimen berkata laporan yang dikemukakan saya telah pun dirujuk kepada SPRM untuk tindakan lanjut pada keesokan harinya (21 Febuari 2009). Peguam saya kemudiannya menghantar surat bertarikh 26 Jun 2009 kepada SPRM bertujuan untuk mengetahui kedudukan penyiasatan kerana kami belum mendapat sebarang maklum balas dari mereka selama ini. Kami terkejut apabila menerima maklumbalas bertulis bertarikh 10 Julai 2009 yang menyatakan mereka telah menerima laporan tersebut, telah menelitinya dan mendapati kesalahan yang didakwa berlaku adalah luar dari bidangkuasa mereka. Mereka merujuk semula laporan tersebut kepada PDRM untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Adalah munasabah untuk menganggap SPRM selepas membuat kesimpulan sedemikian merujuk kepada PDRM sesegera mungkin. Pertamanya, ini bermakna PDRM dan pegawai Kementerian Dalam Negeri telah menyebabkan Menteri Datuk Hishamuddin mengelirukan Parlimen dengan mengemukakan jawapan pada 22 Jun 2009 bahawa laporan tersebut sekian lama ada di SPRM sejak dari 21 Febuari 2009 untuk tindakan lanjut Kedua, pihak polis yang menerima semula laporan tersebut dari SPRM (yang menerimanya pada penghujung Febuari 2009) gagal untuk berbuat apa-apa. Kesimpulannya adalah jelas wujud satu perancangan di dalam PDRM untuk memastikan tidak ada tindakan terhadap laporan yang dibuat oleh saya serta memastikan jenayah yang berlaku di sembunyikan. Oleh kerana laporan saya ini menyatakan Gani dan Musa Hassan (Ketua Polis Negara) terbabit memalsukan laporan, usaha menutup serta menyembunyikan dakwaan saya ini pastinya datang dari pihak atasan. Oleh kerana SPRM menyatakan bahawa mereka tidak mempunyai bidangkuasa untuk menyiasat dan pihak polis hanya berdiam diri tanpa mengambil sebarang tindakan, ianya jelas kepada saya bahawa Gani dan Musa dilindungi secara politik demi menyembunyikan peranan yang dimainkan mereka di dalam merekayasa pertuduhan palsu terhadap saya pada tahun 1998 dan sekarang. ANWAR IBRAHIM |
LDP Puchong Jaya Interchange: Major crack line found
(Click the picture to enlarge) ![]() Structure: Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong, Puchong Jaya interchange (Exit 1114) Affected: Puchong residents (335,419 population) Design, supervision, construction and commission: Gamuda Problem: Crack lines at bridge soffit Corrective action: To Conduct Condition Assessment on Bridges Located along Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong by Evenfit Consult. Photo link from Litrak.com.my Major crack lines found underneath the bridge! I bet that not much people take this seriously (except the concessionaire) although thousands were using this bridge everyday either through the top or passing underneath it. The possible reason is that these defects do not causing anything fall down (yet). ![]() The crack locations and widths are summarized in this figure. There are 2 rows of bridges running parallel throughout that supported by abutments at both ends , and 11 rows of piers in between. For clarity, each space between supports (span) are labelled and colored. The U-turns and roads underneath the bridge are shown as well. From here, you can see how lucky was the owner that all defected parts are just nicely not above the road. That's why this issue were never brought up to newspaper. Let's see some pictures taken on 21 June 09. At 12th span, the whole stretch of soffit cracks. The crack lines have been filled by something by bridge repair company that makes them so obvious. ![]() 12th span: You can see the crack width marked by the bridge repair company. One of them is 1.5mm ![]() 11th span: The crack lines in 11th span are spreading out from its mid span and they are not as widespreaded as the end (12th) span. ![]() 11th span: The bridge on left hand side ![]() 10th span: Crack width 2.1mm ![]() 10th span: Except these funny marks that doesn't looks like structural crack, I couldn't see any crack line marking here. I also can not find any crack line by nake eye through 4m height distance. But, please help me to remember that this span does not crack on 21 June 09, this information could be useful one day in the future. 5th to 9th span: Nothing special found 4th span: Some more crack lines found and they are "still young" compared with others. ![]() 4th span: Crack width 1.25mm ![]() Before showing you some even more suprising pictures, please allow me to share some information on how may a civil engineer look into the cracks. The easiest way to assess the seriousness of this problem is to compare the crack width with the allowable one in the code of practice --- it is 0.3mm So now you see: 0.3 vs 1.5 (12th span), 2.1 (10th span) ---- 5 to 7 times the allowable crack width. What does it means? The reinforcement steels are now exposed to corrosion. After sometime, when the reinforcements cross sections are largely rusted to the extend that the remains are incapacle to withstand the tension force anymore, they will yield, or just snap off. Not serious enough? Let's go further down. This may need some effort to understand. Steel elongation limit: There's a requirement on the steel bar elongation limit. For high yield deformed bar (don't bother with this jargon, just treat it as steel bar), the first limit is 0.2% and the fatal limit is around 12%. The 0.2% elongation indicates a point where the strain is permanent. For example: -You pull a 1m long bar to 1.001m (the elongation is 1mm, the strain is 0.1%) then release, the bar shrink back to 1.000m. The strain is not permanent. -You pull the same bar to 1.005 (elongation = 5mm, strain is 0.5% which is exceeding 0.2%) then release. The bar does not shrink anymore or just shrink a little, e.g. 1.004mm or 1.0045mm, which is permanent. Once you apply the same force to it again, it will go further. If you keep pulling the 1m bar to 1.12m (12%), the necking will appear and prepare to listen to a big bang sound --- the steel snapped. Where are we now? We have gone through some critical requirements. So, what is the steel elongation of the bridge? Is it less than 0.2%, between 0.2% and 12% or has already exceeded 12%? Please allow me to do some pluck-from-the-sky since I can't count exactly how many crack is there: -Assume the 12th span is 30m (believe me, the owner prefer me to assume it as long as possible for the following calculation) -Assuming there's 300 cracks across the span, each of them are 0.5mm (compared with 1.5 shown in the figure, I've discounted alot) Then, elongation of the bottom bars is now 300*0.5 = 150mm Strain = 150/30000 = 0.005 or 0.5%, Oops, these bars are now on the way to the hell (>0.2%). Every overloaded truck passing on top of it will induce additional elongation to it, no return. Let's see more photos: The 1st span: before you proceed to the next photo, please guest the crack width... The 1st span: DALANG!!!! It's 8.65mm! Say there's 100 cracks with average width of 3mm, and the span is 30m, what is the strain now? (10%) How about assuming 4mm crack width? (13.33%, fatal) How about the span is 25m instead of 30m? ... How about.... ![]() So, why this bridge is still standing? Because, it is not solely rely on the reinforcement. Supposingly, this is a post-tensioned bridge. The tendons may still playing their role on sustaining the bridge from breaking down, but they are now unable to sustain the bridge from crack badly. By assuming it as a post tensioned bridge, the following may be the reasons causing these crack: 1) Underdesign 2) Underprovided prestressing force 3) Inappropriate input of design parameters e.g. material properties, creep coefficient. 4) Out of tolerance in construction 5) Act of god (most of politicians like this one) Some other defects: The 1st span: The exposed bottom reinforcement to be patched So now comes to the final question: is it safe? It depends on who say it. For me, I will try to avoid using it for this moment. For the owner, it is subject to the appraisal report of the bridge repairing company. For the bridge repair company... I can feel that they are now like a sardin between their paymaster and the public. I hope that they are able to convince me to use the bridge again. For the politicians... I don't know. But I recalled the MRR2 series in my mind now. source :http://bolehlandconstruction.blogspot.com/2009/06/ldp-puchong-jaya-interchange-major.html |
Zaid wants Ku Li to join PKR, to reject ‘racism and fascism’
KUALA LUMPUR, July 21 — Datuk Zaid Ibrahim issued an open invitation today for Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah (pic) to join PKR and reject what he says is the racism and fascism which has become prevalent in Umno. Zaid, a former minister who was sacked from Umno, said in a posting on his blog this morning that Tengku Razaleigh was the most senior Umno leader who was not a racist. The former minister, who joined PKR recently, also took aim at Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for keeping quiet over the racial overtones displayed by Umno-controlled newspapers over the controversial death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock. "Only a Malay prime minister who is not racist can save this country. "Tengku Razaleigh is a strong nationalist; indeed he is a pure Malay fighter but we never hear in his speeches anything which is hateful or racially insulting," said Zaid. Zaid also appeared to mock Najib in heaping praises on Tengku Razaleigh. "He will not use the police and or the MACC to bring about the downfall of his political rivals. He will not appoint racists as newspaper editors. His wife will not be offended if her photograph does not appear in the newspapers." The remarks are a clear reference to the Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) accusations against the Barisan Nasional (BN) in allegedly using the police to aid in the recent power grab in Perak, and also the current anti-graft investigations of the Selangor government which has now been overshadowed by the suspicious circumstances of Teoh's death. Zaid also appeared to be referring to an article on Sunday in the Umno-controlled Berita Harian that was written by New Straits Times group managing editor Zainul Ariffin Isa. Zainul had suggested that the opposition was using Teoh's death as part of an agenda to weaken Malay-controlled institutions. He also criticised Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim for questioning "those of his own race to act fairly". Zaid said that it was unfortunate that Tengku Razaleigh still harbours hope that he can save Umno. "For me, Umno today is no longer the Umno which Ku Li fought for previously. I think it is better if Ku Li considers joining Parti Keadilan Rakyat." Zaid said that many Umno leaders and lawmakers could no longer differentiate their nationalist responsibilities from racist and fascist thinking. "That is why they cannot save the country. That is why Berita Harian and Utusan Malaysia constantly reflect evil philosophies of racial and religious hatred. "It does not make sense when Umno leaders ask their media messengers to describe the anger and sadness felt by Malaysians over Teoh's death as politicisation. "They even describe the sadness of the public as something which is questioning Malay institutions. Since when is MACC a Malay institution? This is the kind of racial poison which has been absorbed into the minds of Umno's leaders and media," he said. Zaid also expressed hope that the Malay community would not be "deceived by racial poisoning," because he said the Malays were a noble and responsible people. The Malays, he said, were also proud of their Islamic values which viewed with contempt any form of racism. "When the Malays and their leaders reject racism and fascist thinking then only can Malaysia be saved," he said. |
The untold MAS story: part 8
The Director of the Commerical Crime Division of Bukit Aman, Dato' Ramli Yusuff, sends a report by way of official letter to Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in March 2007 highlighting what went on in Malaysia's national airline, MAS. Abdullah, however, chose to ignore the issue and not pursue the matter. Subsequently, Ramli was brought down on charges of abusing his power and of not declaring his assets allegedly totalling RM27 million. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
Anwar dakwa afidavit 'palsu'
Pergelutan perundangan antara Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dengan Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail terus berlanjutan - kali bukan di mahkamah tetapi di balai Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya. Penasihat PKR, yang juga ketua pembangkang, akan membuat dua aduan polis berhubung "kenyataan-kenyataan palsu" yang terdapat dalam afidavit pertuduhan liwat terhadapnya. Kenyataan tersebut berhubung siasatan terhadap Abdul Gani yang dituduh oleh mantan timbalan perdana menteri, dalam laporan polisnya, pernah terlibat memalsukan kes mata lebamnya. Laporan polis itu akan dibuat awal petang ini. |
Malaysikini.com : Esok dengar mohon tangguh serah bukti Anwar liwat
Permohonan pendakwaan bagi mendapatkan penangguhan perintah Mahkamah Tinggi supaya menyerahkan dokumen yang diminta oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim akan didengar esok. Ia dijadual didengar di hadapan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah pada 9 pagi, lapor Bernama. SN Nair, salah seorang peguam yang mewakili Anwar, ketika dihubungi mengesahkan bahawa firmanya SN Nair & Partners menerima surat berhubung perkara itu daripada mahkamah menerusi faksimili, pagi ini. Pada 2 petang semalam, pihak pendakwaan memfailkan notis usul di Bahagian Jenayah Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, bagi memohon penangguhan pelaksanaan perintah itu yang ditandatangani oleh Datuk Nordin Hassan, seorang daripada timbalan pendakwaraya bagi kes liwat berkenaan. Turut difailkan ialah perakuan segera agar kes itu didengar secepat mungkin. Pada 16 Julai, Mohamad Zabidin membenarkan permohonan Anwar dan memerintahkan pendakwaan supaya menyerahkan dokumen berkenaan dalam masa tujuh hari. Tempoh tujuh hari itu berakhir pada Khamis. Bagaimanapun, hakim itu menolak permohonan penasihat PKR itu untuk mendapatkan sampel spesimen yang diambil daripada pengadu Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan selepas memutuskan bahawa sampel itu telah disita oleh ahli kimia dan pihak pembelaan boleh memeriksanya setelah dikemukakan kepada mahkamah. Anwar, 62, didakwa meliwat bekas pembantunya Mohd Saiful, 24, di sebuah kondominium di Bukit Damansara, Kuala Lumpur pada 26 Jun tahun lepas. Mahkamah menetapkan 24 Julai untuk sebutan permohonan Anwar bagi mengetepikan tuduhan liwat yang dikenakan terhadapnya dan tarikh sebutan perbicaraan kes itu. |
Monday, July 20, 2009
Malaysiakini.com : Pendakwa pohon tangguh serah dokumen pada Anwar
Pihak pendakwa dalam perbicaraan kes liwat terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim membuat permohonan segera untuk 'menangguhkan' perintah menyerahkan salinan rakaman video, dokumen dan laporan perubatan kepada peguambela.
Pada hari berikutnya, pihak pendakwa memfailkan notis rayuan terhadap keputuan yang dibuat oleh Hakim Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah. Pada kira-kira jam 2 petang ini, pendakwa memfailkan permohonan 'penangguhan' perintah tersebut, di pejabat pendaftar jenayah Mahkamah Tinggi. Dokumen tersebut ditandatangani DPP Nordin Hassan - salah seorang daripada enam anggota pasukan pendakwaraya - yang diketuai Peguamcara Negara 11, Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abidin. Peguam bekas timbalan perdana menteri itu - Sankara Nair - mengesahkan beliau telah menerima salinan permohonan tersebut, yang difailkan bersama dengan sijil kesegeraan. Tiada tarikh yang ditetapkan untuk mendengar permohonan tersebut, tetapi Sankara berkata, pihaknya akan memfailkan afidavit balas. |
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Documents and CCTV recordings seized at office of Selangor MACC
(The Star) SHAH ALAM: Police investigating the death of Teoh Beng Hock have seized documents from the Selangor Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office here. They also seized closed-circuit television camera (CCTV) recordings from Plaza Masalam, where the state MACC office is located. ![]() It is learnt that a window latch from the office on the 14th floor was removed for inspection. About 20 police forensics personnel, led by Selangor deputy CID chief (administration) Asst Comm Omar Mammah, went to the MACC office at about 5.30pm. The team first went to the building's operations centre on the ground floor and took away the CCTV recordings. They then went up to the MACC office and spent several hours recording statements from MACC staff. At about 7.50pm, the officers were seen leaving the MACC office carrying documents. It is learnt that a handphone belonging to Teoh, 30, who was the political secretary to Selangor exco member Ean Yong Hian Wah, was taken away by police on the day of his death on Thursday. It is learnt that police are tracing the last phone calls Teoh made before his death. A janitor found Teoh's body at the fifth floor of the plaza at about 1.30pm. Teoh, who was picked up by the MACC for questioning on Wednesday afternoon, was released at 3.45am the following day. Selangor MACC director Jaafar Mahad said his officers would give their fullest co-operation to police in their investigations. "Whatever they want, whoever they want, we will gladly oblige if it will help unearth the truth. "We ourselves are from an enforcement agency and we know what investigations are all about. "We will not hide anything because there is nothing to hide," he said. |
Lim Kit Siang :Musa Hassan given 48 hours to announce that he will not seek another renewal of term as IGP
I am giving Tan Sri Musa Hassan 48 hours to announce that he will not seek another renewal of term as Inspector-General of Police and will give way to a current serving police officer or a Parliamentary and Civil Society Roundtable for a new IGP to create a safe Malaysia will be convened. The reasons why the country needs a new IGP would have the support not only of the Malaysian public at large, but also the majority of the police personnel, and would include the following:
I am going one step further, and am asking the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to emulate his father, the second Prime Minister Tun Razak to appoint a new Inspector-General of Police still with four or five years of service brimming with ideas to plan out and implement police reforms instead of the current practice of appointing senior police officers left with one or two years' service more interested about post-retirement arrangements. |
Msia Insider : Najib’s representative faces hard questions from Teoh family
![]() Oh spending time with the grieving parents of Teoh Beng Hock. - Picture by Choo Choy May ALOR GAJAH, July 19 – The prime minister's personal emissary to the Teoh family home here – political secretary Oh Ei Sun – was taken aback when Teoh Beng Hock's mother confronted him, demanding that he do something about her son's tragic death. Oh, who had come to convey the PM's condolences, was visibly shaken but he quickly recovered and spoke to the family for a few minutes. Later, at a brief press conference, he said: "I received a phone call from the prime minister last night. He told me to come here and offer his personal condolences to the family." While he was speaking to the media, Teoh's younger sister came out and confronted him again, "What are you going to do about this?" Oh told her that he would convey to the prime minister the family's demand for a royal inquiry into Teoh's death. He also said the Cabinet would discuss the matter this Wednesday. Teoh's family told Oh that they want to make it clear that they chose not to have a second autopsy because they did not want to prolong the pain, and not because they accepted the first report. Also, they want the PM to attend to this personally. On the distraught family taking out their anger on him, Oh said he was not upset but emphatised with them as he, too, had suffered a personal loss recently. After the press conference, there was a poignant moment when Beng Hock's father, Teoh Leong Hwee, grasped Oh's hand and pleaded for help to find out how and why his young son died. |
Kesayuan selubungi pengkebumian Teoh
Lebih 1,000 orang berhimpun untuk menghadiri pengkebumian Teoh Beng Hock di Alor Gajah, Melaka. Upacara bermula jam 9.45 pagi dan keranda mendiang Teoh dijangka dibawa dari rumahnya di Taman Sri Kelamak kira-kira jam 11 pagi, untuk dikebumikan di taman peringatan Nirvana di Semenyih. Turut hadir ialah tunang mendiang, Soh Sher Wei dan anggota dan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat. Suasana cukup sayu dengan kain-akin rentang di pasang di sekitar rumah mendiang yang menuntut keadilan terhadap kematian Teoh Khamis lalu, selepas disoal siasat oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) berhubung dakwaan salahguna peruntukan DUN di Selangor. Semua pemimpin utama Pakatan memberi penghormatan terakhir pada jam 10.18 pagi, diikuti oleh exco kerajaan negeri Melaka dari MCA, Datuk Gan Tian Loo. Manakala pemimpin DAP, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh dan Lim Guan Eng mengadakan sidang akhbar pada kira-kira jam 9.30 pagi tadi. |
Ribuan banjiri perhimpunan tuntut keadilan untuk Teoh
Lebih 3,000 orang membanjiri Stadium Kelana Jaya menuntut keadilan bagi Teoh Beng Hock yang ditemui mati Khamis lalu, selepas disoal siasat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia ( SPRM) berhubung dakwaan salahguna peruntukan untuk DUN di Selangor.
Poster dan kain rentang dipasang di sekitar kawasan stadium tersebut, yang memaparkan gambar Teoh, dengan tulisan 'Keadilan untuk Beng Hock" Perhimpunan tersebut bermula jam 4.30 petang dan berakhir pada kira-kira jam 7 malam.
'Teoh di bawah jagaan SPRM'
"Kita berasa marah dan sedih. Sebab kita manusia," kata Kit Siang. Beliau juga mempersoalkan tindakan SPRM yang tidak menyiasat berhubung skandal PKFZ yang membabitkan RM12.5 bilion dan juga banglo mewah milik bekas menteri besar Selangor Dr Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo. "Ada siasatan? Tidak ada siasatan kepada mereka. Tiada siasatan daripada pihak SPRM. "Tapi Teoh disiasat dengan hanya kerana dikata ada ADUN menyalahgunakan wang peruntukan RM2,400 untuk membeli bendera Malaysia," katanya. Guan Eng kecam polis, SPRM Sementara Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng mengecam pihak polis dan SPRM yangdidakwanya bersikap'double standard' kerana tidak membuat siasatan terhadap terhadap pemimpin negera sekiranya pemimpin Pakatan membuat laporan polis.
"Kita tak nampak siasatan skandal PKFZ (oleh SPRM), sampai sekarang ada tak? SPRM pun poorah," katanya. Sehubungan itu, Guan Eng yang juga anak lelaki Kit Siang, turut senada dengan ayahnya menuntut agar suruhanjaya siasatan diraja ditubuhkan dengan segera menyiasat kematian Teoh. Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Guan Eng yang juga setiausaha DAP, turut mengumumkan DAP akan membentuk tabung khas bagi membantu keluarga Teoh. "Tidak kira apa bangsa , kita berganding bahu untuk mempertahankan hak mereka. Kita dirikan Malaysia untuk rakyat yang menegakkan budaya demokrasi," katanya disambut tepukan gemuruh hadirin. 'Khalid: Banyak persoalan timbul'
Katanya, banyak laporan kepada SPRM berhubung dakwaan rasuah pemimpin BN yang telah dibuktikan, tetapi tiada tindakan yang diambil terhadap mereka. Sehubungan itu, Abdul Khalid yang juga ahli parlimen Bandar Tun Razak menyokong penubuhan suruhanjaya diraja untuk menjalankan siasatan segera terhadap kematian Teoh. "Tidak ada yang kita mahu selain daripada itu. Kalau Najib benar-benar mahukan satu Malaysia, tubuhkan suruhanjaya diraja. Kalau Najib tak buat, dia cakap tak serupa bikin, bukan satu Malaysia. "Rakyat mahukan keadilan. Ini bukan soal politik, bukan soal perkauman tapi ini soal keadilan dan kepercayaan rakyat, katanya. Sehubungan itu, Abdul Khalid menyokong cadangan Guan Eng untuk menubuhkan tabung khas bagi membantu keluarga Teoh. Manakala Husam mendakwa SPRM menjadi alat yang cuba melindungi amalan rasuh pemimpin BN. Beliau mendakwa SPRM cuba untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan Selangor sebagaimana modus operandi mereka ketika kerajaan Perak pimpinan Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin tumbang ekoran kes rasuah dua pemimpin PKR. Husam mendakwa siasatan berhubung dakwaan rasuah terhadap kedua-dua pemimpin tersebut, tidak dilanjutkan.
Utusan, Berita Harian dibakar Di akhir perhimpunan tersebut, seorang penyokong bertindak membakar akhbar Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian ekoran ulsan mengenai kematian Teoh yang didakwa berbaur perkauman. Ini berkaitan dengan beberapa laporan yang menganggap PKR cuba melemahkan institusi yang didominasi oleh orang Melayu seperti SPRM. |
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Malaysiakini.com : Chua Jui Meng umum sertai PKR
Bekas menteri kesihatan, Datuk Chua Jui Meng hari ini mengumumkan keluar dari MCA dan menyertai PKR di di majlis forum anjuran PKR di Sunway.
Sebelum ini, Chua yang juga bekas menteri naib presiden MCA muncul di majlis tersebut bersama Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Chua sebelum ini mengumumkan melepaskan jawatan ketua MCA bahagian Bakri Khamis lalu. Kira-kira 800 hadirin di majlis itu bertepuk tangan ketika Chua dan Anwar melangkah masuk ke dewan pada jam 3.30 petang. Terdapat kain pemidang yang mengucap tahniah kepada Chua kerana menyertai PKR", yang dipegang hadirin ketika Chua berjalan masuk. Dalam ucapannya, Chua berkata beliau telah melepaskan jawatan ketua MCA bahagian Bakri untuk menempuh perjalanan baru untuk perubahan.
Menurut Chua, beliau yakin telah membuat keputusan yang betul, untuk menyertai PKR, terutama dalam detik penting dalam sejarah negara. Menurutnya, kematian Teoh Beng Hock - setiausaha politik exco kerajaan Selangor, Ean Yong Hian Wah, menjadi pendorong penting baginya untuk melompat menyertai pembangkang.
Dalam sidang akhbar selepas itu, Chua ditanya mengenai laporan yang menyebut beliau menafikan akan menyertai PKR. Dalam jawapannya, Chua menafikan berkata demikian tetapi sebaliknya berkata beliau telah disalahlapor. Ada persamaan |
Datuk Chua Jui Meng Tinggalkan MCA Sertai PKR!
Petang tadi, bekas Naib Presiden MCA Datuk Chua Jui Meng telah mengisytiharkan dirinya keluar dari MCA seterusnya mengumumkan penyertaannya ke dalam Parti Keadilan Rakyat di hadapan hampir 1,000 hadirin yang memenuhi dewan utama Hotel Sunway di Subang Jaya. Selepas beberapa ketika andaian demi andaian dibuat, maka petang tadi terjawab sudah hala tuju perjuangan politik mantan Menteri Kesihatan itu. Saya ucapkan tahniah kepada Datuk Chua dan ahli keluarga beliau terutama isterinya Datin Honey Hum, Datuk David Yeoh (bekas Senator MCA) dan Datuk Yap Yit Thong (bekas Ahli Parlimen Lumut) yang menyokong penuh keputusan beliau. Pastinya keputusan ini diambil selepas membuat pertimbangan yang teliti. Berhadapan sistem yang bobrok dan kebejatan yang berterusan, maka tidak menghairankan sekiranya Datuk Chua memilih KeADILan sebagai wahana pencetus serta melaksanakan perubahan. Adalah diharapkan Datuk Chua dapat berkongsi pengalaman beliau yang luas dalam menabur khidmat kepada masyarakat dengan ahli-ahli KeADILan dan Pakatan Rakyat lainnya. Sekali lagi saya ucapkan tahniah dan selamat berjuang kepada Datuk Chua Jui Meng! |
Anwar : Pasukan Pendakwaan Merayu, Enggan Serah Dokumen Bukti
Siang tadi, pasukan pendakwaan merayu di Mahkamah Rayuan supaya dibatalkan perintah Mahkamah Tinggi semalam yang memerintahkan agar dibekalkan segala dokumen berkaitan dan rakaman CCTV kepada barisan pembelaan. Hebahnya konon mereka yakin dengan fakta. Mengapa enggan serahkan dokumen? Apa yang mahu disembunyikan? Sekarang manakala kes pembelaan kukuh, pendakwa melengahkan lagi. Dulu mereka lengahkan kerana enggan menyerahkan dokumen. Bila kita membuat rayuan dan kita pula dikatakan melengahkan perbicaraan. Sekarang pendakwa merayu, kerana takut dokumen diteliti. Maka mereka sekali lagi menyebabkan kes tertangguh. |
Dakwaan beli undi di MU, PAS buat laporan polis
Empat hari selepas menang tipis dalam pilihanraya kecil DUN Manek Urai, PAS membuat aduan di balai polis Kuala Krai berhubung taktik Umno membayar elaun tambang kepada pengundi luar yang pulang untuk mengundi pada 14 Julai lalu. Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Kuala Krai, Mahadi Mat Zain, dengan ditemani Ketua Pemuda PAS Kelantan, Abdul Latif Abdul Rahman dan timbalannya, Hisham Fauzi, membuat laporan polis semalam, meminta mendesak pihak berkuasa menyiasat perkara itu. Mereka menuduh BN dan Umno telah merasuah pengundi pada hari pengundian dalam sebuah premis Kesedar di Sungai Peria. Mahadi mendakwa, pengagihan wang tunai untuk tujuan tersebut berlaku kira-kira 50 meter dari pusat pengundian SK Perai. Malaysiakini menyiarkan rakaman video insiden tersebut. Dalam laporannya, Mahadi berkata beliau dimaklumkan oleh petugas parti itu mengenai aktiviti tersebut pada kira-kira jam 10.30 malam 14 Julai, dan beliau bersama seorang peguam dan empat petugas sukarela dari Mafrel telah pergi ke tempat tersebut. Menurutnya, bila mereka tiba di situ, mereka ternampak orang ramai berbaris di depan sebuah rumah kayu untuk mendapatkan wang tersebut. Katanya, mereka cuba masuk ke dalam rumah tetapi dihalang daripada berbuat demikian. |
Friday, July 17, 2009
Malaysiakini.com : Tidak benar Petra di Brisbane
Pengendali laman web popular Malaysia Today Raja Petra Kamaruddin sah tidak berada di Australia atau pernah ke negara itu. Pihak pendakwaan turut memaklumkan Mahkamah Sesyen Petaling Jaya hari ini terdapat "tanda positif Raja Petra boleh dikesan dan ditahan", lapor laman web Utusan Malaysia. Raja Petra seharusnya hadir pada sambungan perbicaraan kes terhadapnya di bawah Akta Hasutan berhubung dakwaan Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan isterinya Rosmah Mansor terbabit dengan pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu. Dakwaan terhadap perdana menteri dan wanita pertama dimuatkan dalam tulisan di blog tersebut "Let's send the Altantuya murderers to hell" pada 25 April tahun lalu. Pada 5 Jun lalu, kerajaan tidak dapat mengesahkan bahawa penulis blog kontroversi itu telah melarikan diri bagi mengelak dibicarakan di mahkamah berhubung kes tersebut dan juga satu lagi kes jenayah fitnah, juga terhadap Rosmah dan beberapa individu lain. Waran tangkap telah dikeluarkan setelah Raja Petra gagal hadir ke mahkamah. Pada 27 Mei, Jabatan Imigresen menyatakan ia tidak mempunyai rekod lelaki itu meninggalkan negara ini dan percaya Raja Petra telah menggunakan "jalan tikus" untuk ke luar negara. |
Anwar: Jui Meng buat pengumuman khas esok
Bekas menteri kesihatan, Datuk Dr Chua Jui Meng akan membuat satu pengumuman khas di majlis khas anjuran PKR di Sunway esok, kata Ketua Umumnya, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Menulis dalam blognya, Anwar berkata, majlis tersebut merupakan satu forum umum bertajuk "Kebenaran di sebalik skandal: Perak, PKFZ dan konspirasi BN". Ia akan berlangsung di sebuah hotel di Sunway pada jam 2.30 petang esok. Katanya, PKR berpendirian bahawa rakyat berhak mengetahui kebenaran mengenai isu-isu yang mempunyai kesan yang besar terhadap negara. "Forum ini akan mengetengahkan fakta-fakta yang diselindungi oleh BN, yang tidak dibenarkan penyiarannya dalam media arus perdana.
Sebelum ini, khabar angin bertiup kencang yang Chua yang meletakkan jawatan pengerusi MCA bahagian Bakri yang dipimpinnya sejak 1988, akan melompat parti untuk menyertai PKR. Bagaimanapun, malam tadi, bekas naib presiden MCA itu menafikan beliau akan menyertai PKR. Kenyataan Anwar hari ini dilihat sebagai satu petanda mengenai kemungkinan besar Chua akan menyertai PKR |