Saya pernah bekerja selama lima tahun dengan sebuah syarikat pemaju perumah di Puchong dan saya ingin berkongsi kisah dalaman kes ini. Untuk makluman saya meninggalkan syarikat tersebut pada tahun 2008.
Untuk makluman semua, majoriti kakitangan syarikat H memilik rumah kos rendah walaupun ada yang tidak layak. Begitu juga dengan Arikitek dan kontraktor-kontraktor yang bekerja dengan syarikat H. Bagaiamana ini boleh berlaku?
Untuk mendapat kebenaran membina taman perumahan yang mengandungi rumah-rumah teres contohnya, pemaju dikenakan syarat bahawa mereka perlu membina 1 unit rumah kos rendah untuk layak membina 3 rumah teres. Ini bertujuan untuk memastikan rumah-rumah kos rendah terus dibangunkan kerana ianya tidak menguntungkan. Jadi jika pemaju ingin menbina 3000 unit rumah teres maka ia perlu terlebih dahulu membina 1000 unit rumah kos rendah.
Permohonan untuk membeli rumah kos rendah perlu diluluskan oleh Pejabat SUK Shah Alam. Maka apa yang dilakukan di Syarikat H tempat saya bekerja adalah semua kaum kerabat pemaju akan menghantar borang permohonan melalui syarikat pemaju. Borang ini akan disertakan dengan salinan IC dan bil utiliti sebagai bukti pemohon tinggal di kawasan berkenaan. Jadi, sesiapa yang tinggal diluar kawasan tersebut akan meminjam bil utiliti teman-teman yang tinggal di kawasan berkenaan.
Borang tersebut akan dicop dengan cop syarikat pemaju dan dihantar sendiri ke Pejabat SUK Shah Alam oleh Pengurus Pemasaran Syarikat H. Ianya gerenti lulus. Saya sendiri pernah menerima surat daripada SUK sekitar tahun 2005 menyatakan saya layak mendapat 1 unit rumah kos rendah. Surat tersebut perlu ditunjukkan kepada pemaju untuk melayakkan saya untuk membeli rumah tersebut. Saya bersyukur saya tidak membelinya ketika itu.
Untuk makluman semua, semasa rumah kos rendah dibuka untuk jualan, mereka yang layak akan dipanggil untuk membuat cabutan unit. Maksudnya cabutan dibuat oleh pembeli untuk mengetahui mereka mendapat unit ditingkat mana. Sudah tentu tingkat bawah menjadi rebutan.
Rumah kos rendah di Puchong adalah 4 tingkat. Tahukah anda cabutan unit rumah tersebut dilakukan secara tidak jujur oleh pemaju. Para pembeli akan datang awal untuk cabutan dengan harapan boleh mendapat unit ditingkat bawah sebenarnya mereka tertipu kerana nombor unit rumah yang ada di dalam kotak cabutan pusingan pertama hanyalah unit-unit ditingkat 3 dan 4 sahaja. Unit ditingkat bawah akan dimiliki oleh staf-staf pemaju dan kaum kerabat mereka. Saya sendiri berpeluang 'memilih' sebuah unit tepi (corner unit) di tingkat bawah. Itulah keistimewaan menjadi staf pemaju H.
Saya cuma ingin memaklumkan bahawa penipuan rumah kos rendah ini bukan sahaja berlaku di MBPJ, malahan di MP Subang Jaya dan juga lain-lain kawasan di seluruh negara.
Kenapa ia berlaku? Mudah sahaja.. kerana wang. Ansuran bulanan bank bagi sebuah unit rumah kos rendah berharga RM42000 adalah sekitar Rm250- Rm300 sedangkan unit tingkat bawah rumah kos rendah boleh disewakan pada kadar minima RM450 dan ke atas. Mudahnya untuk atas angin dengan mengambil hak orang lain.
Rumah tingkat bawah yang dibeli pada harga RM42000 juga mudah dijual semula pada harga melebihi RM65000. Terdapat syarat-syarat tertentu untuk menjual kerana ianya dibawah kawalan Pejabat SUK. Apa yang biasa dilakukan adalah pembeli akan membayar cash dan agreement berasingan dibuat sementara menunggu tempoh yang sesuai untuk melakukan penjualan secara sah. Majoriti pembelinya adalah mereka yang menyewa di kawasan tersebut juga.
Mari kita fikirkan. Orang yang layak tetapi tidak dapat membeli rumah tersebut terpaksa menyewa daripada mereka yang tidak layak tetapi dapat membeli rumah tersebut. Adilkah dunia ini? Jika tiadanya penyelewengan dan semua kakitangan kerajaan bertugas dengan amanah dan jujur semua ini tidak akan berlaku!
Maka bangunlah dan berubah. Kita tidak boleh lagi membiarkan kekejaman berlaku di sekeliling kita tanpa batasan. Undilah untuk perubahan!
PETALING JAYA (May 25, 2010): A new twist to the saga of low-cost units being sold to ineligible buyers has emerged.
The so-called circular to Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) staff informing them of the availability of low-cost units irrespective of eligibility was issued by the planning department, and not the president or mayor’s office, it is learnt.
![]() V. Subramanian |
While letters from Planning Director Sharipah Marhaini Syed Ali to deputy mayor Puasa Md. Taib, and Puasa’s own explanation to the State Special Committee on Local Councils indicated that the purchases of low-cost flats were sanctioned by the State Government and then council president Datuk Emran Kadir, to date there is no evidence to that effect.
“What has been determined is that the policy on allocation of houses to council staff, including department heads and directors, came from the planning department,” said a source.
In a letter to Puasa on Feb 4 this year, Sharipah said the council president had in 2001 asked developers who were not involved in the squatter relocation exercise to allocate units for council staff.
“Details of the availability of the houses were openly disseminated to staff via e-mail,” Sharipah wrote.
She also said the Sri Jati flats where she owns a unit was not meant for squatter relocation, although a year earlier, in a note to the State Housing and Property Board, she had indicated that squatters from Kampung Tropicana and Kampung Lembah would be moved there.
Puasa, in his March 8, 2010 memo to the State Government, said the then executive councillor for housing (Datuk Mohd Mokhtar Ahmad Dahlan) and then council president (Emran) in 2001 had decreed that low-cost houses could be opened to council staff as an incentive.
Both Mohd Mokhtar and Emran have said they could not remember issuing such directives, while the present State administration have said that bending the rules on low-cost home ownership was never sanctioned by the Executive Council.
Former MBPJ councillor V. Subramanian said that the allocation of low cost units to staff was never endorsed by the full board.
“We never approved it at council level. You can check the full board minutes,” said Subramaniam, who served between 2000 and 2008.
He said the decision to allocate 10% of the Sri Jati flats in Ara Damansara to council staff never landed on the councillors’ desks.
However, he pointed the finger back at Emran, saying the policy allowing 500 staff to buy low-cost homes was introduced during Emran’s tenure when local councils took over the implementation of squatter relocation programmes from the state.
He added that the State Executive council never endorsed this policy.
“But at that time, the way things were done, the word of one individual, be it the mentri besar or exco for housing became law,” said Subramaniam.
He said he had on many occasions brought up the matter at full board meetings.
"Check the meeting minutes, they should have recorded my objections to the policy.
"Many council staff including heads departments who do not deserve the units were given homes," he said, adding that he had told the council that low-cost units should only be allocated to MBPJ workers who fall within the RM2,500 income bracket.
He said all councillors agreed that all low-cost units should be for the lower income group.
“We agreed that for large families, they could buy two low-cost units at RM35,000 for the first unit and RM42,000 for the second one.
“But in my time, many squatters were not given homes and had to rent from those who are not eligible to buy low-cost houses,” he claimed.
On allegations of political quota for low-cost units, Subramaniam said there was no proof of this but agreed it was rampant.
He said when he was the MIC Petaling Jaya Barat division chief, he had supported the applications of low-cost units to party members including branch chairmen.
“But they were all deserving cases comprising low income earners,” he added.
Subramaniam said he had previously threatened to lodge reports with the police and Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) over the abuse of low-cost units if MBPJ does not ensure only deserving cases are allotted homes.
“But they could not be bothered,” he said, adding that he has contacted MACC investigations director Mustafar Ali to extend his co-operation.
The MACC had yesterday visited MBPJ to begin its probe. -- theSun
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