

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bukit Antarabangsa: Did Shaziman lie in parliament?

1. Someone, whom I did not know but appears to have the connection in Parliament, sent me an email with a copy of the Dewan Rakyat proceeding transcript (Hansard) which is (No 48, Monday 9th November 2009). Reading the Hansard is not like reading a thriller novel. There is really not much thrill in it. In fact, it is one boring piece of document. Unless there is something specific that is being looked for, I guess no one bothers to read it. I was asked to focus on page 180 onwards with regards to Bukit Antarabangsa. I guess this person knows about my passion on the happening in Bukit Antarabangsa and that is why he (or she) sent me the Hansard.

2. In a question posed by Azmin Ali (MP Gombak) with regards to the existence of the BA Hazard Map, the minister said, “Untuk Ahli Yang Berhormat hasil kajian Pelan Induk Cerun 2009 adalah seperti berikut, kajian pelan induk langkah-langkah pembaikan cerun negara telah mendapat persetujuan oleh Mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri pada 26 Mei 2004 untuk dilaksanakan bagi mengatasi masalah bencana tanah runtuh yang kerap terjadi.
Kerajaan juga telah meluluskanperuntukan sebanyak RM6.5 juta bagi pelaksanaan kajian tersebut yang mana kajian ini akan menentukan polisi, strategi dan pelan tindakan serta hala tuju Cawangan Kejuruteraan Cerun, Jabatan Kerja Raya bagi merangka strategi jangka pendek dan jangka panjang pengurusan cerun.
Kajian ini telah siap pada Disember 2008 dan telah dibentangkan kepada Jemaah Menteri pada 14 Januari 2009. Cadangan Pelaksanaan Teras Strategi dan pelan tindakan dalam kajian Pelan Induk Cerun Negara ini telah dipersetujui oleh Jemaah Menteri pada 12 Ogos 2009.
Laporan tersebut sedang dalam proses cetakan akhir dan akan dimasukkan ke dalam laman web Kementerian Kerja Raya dan Jabatan Kerja Raya di mana ianya boleh dimuat turun secara dwibahasa oleh umum. Proses tersebut dijangka dapat diselesaikan pada penghujung tahun 2009. Hasil daripada kajian ini 10 teras strategik telah dikenal pasti dan disokong dengan 77 pelan tindakan bagi memastikan supaya cerun-cerun di Malaysia dapat diurus dengan baik dengan koordinasi pelbagai agensi pelaksana dalam kerajaan dan juga penglibatan pihak swasta. Berkaitan dengan Pelan Induk Cerun Negara, Cawangan Kejuruteraan Cerun (CKC) JKR telah ditubuhkan mulai 1 Februari 2004 bertujuan untuk menangani masalah cerun runtuh dengan lebih berkesan.”

3. It took me quite a while to figure out on what was wrong with Dato Shaziman statement in parliament on the 9th November 2009. In the last one year, since the landslide happened, I have been meeting various people, attending conference and talks to various experts. I realized that the facts that is presented in parliament is somewhat different that what is known publicly.

4. Firstly, I agree with Shaziman that the government spent RM6.5 mill to do a Landslide Risk Assessment in Ampang Ulu Kelang area. On the 14/2/2009, during a seminar organized by Malaysian Board of Engineers which I attended, Dato Dr Ashaari, the Head of CKC,KKR mentioned that the government spent RM5 million and the report is ready since early 2008.

5. I am not too bothered with the amount mentioned but what I am concerned about is the fact that Shaziman said that study was completed in December 2008 and it was presented to the Cabinet on the 14th January 2009. He also claims that the report is in the final stages of printing and it will be published in KKR website in by the end of the year (2009).

6. This is a blatant lie. Dato Dr Ashaari said publicly during the seminar that the report is ready in early 2008 and Shaziman said it was completed in December 2008. In the early days of the landslide, I got to know Miss Ivy Chang of the NST Property Times. She said then, that prior and during the landslide, the Ulu Klang Hazard report was already on the IKRAM website and it was taken down immediately after she wrote something about it in her column in the NST. In her report dated 6/2/2009, she wrote about the possibility of some cover up taking place. She also mentioned that the report was ready. This is contrary to what Shaziman is saying in Parliament.

7. He inferred that the report was not ready December 2008 instead of January 2008. Is the government trying to cover up because we have said many times that there are possibilities that the government knows about the impending tragedy. In my previous write up where I managed to sight the Landslide Report Vol 1 (when it was declassified and before it was classified again), I mentioned that there are pictorial evidence that the government knew about the impending risk as early as Jan 2008. Nothing was done.

8. Why Shaziman did said the report was completed in December 2008 and not in Jan 2008 as confirmed by Dato Ashaari, Ivy Chang in her news report and the BA landslide report? Is the government trying to cover up that they knew about the risk the people face and did nothing about it?

9. It is quite clear that Shaziman lied in Parliament based on the various media reports, statements made by Dato Ashaari and other supporting evidence. He should be hauled to the Parliamentary Select Committee for lying. I seek the cooperation of other MP’s to raise this matter again in Parliament. We must get the facts right. Accountability must be given the highest priority.

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