Bayan Baru Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim said in Parliament that there was a link between online newspaper Malaysiakini and Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK)'s news portal with the opposition and urged the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to probe into it. -- Bernama
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Next, Zahrain fired away at news portal Malaysiakini and controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin for working "hand in glove" with PR to perform character assassination against "anyone that is a stumbling block to their dream of snatching Putrajaya at all costs".
Zahrain claimed that Raja Petra was now in London, being "protected" in luxury dwellings belonging to a senior leader of PKR, prompting N Gobalakrishnan (Padang Serai - PKR) to dare Zahrain to name the person. (Read the full report by The Edge below).
It looks like the Malaysian Parliament has been ‘hot’ the last few days. However, instead of debating issues of national importance, like how the voters hope that the Members of Parliament they voted into office would do, they discuss matters NOT of national importance -- like Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today and where RPK is currently living.
I would caution MP Zahrain of spending too much of Parliament’s time discussing me. There is a danger that some people might misinterpret this as placing me in the ranks of a ‘national treasure’, further resulting in the danger of inflating my ego. Now, we do not want that do we, surely? As it is, I am already a stubborn and incorrigible bastard. Are you trying to turn me into an egoistical, stubborn, incorrigible bastard?
What MP Zahrain and Parliament should do instead is to discuss the links, relationship or association between businessmen and those who walk in the corridors of power. Now THAT is a bad link. That link smells of corruption, abuse of power and conflict of interest.
Even if it is true that Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today work in concert (which they do not) and even if it is true that both Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today are linked to the opposition (which they are not), so what? What is wrong with that? Have any laws been broken because of this so-called link? What is illegal in that? Have you not heard of freedom of association as enshrined in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia?
Now, if the government forbids Internal Security Act detainees from performing their Friday prayers within the confines of the detention camp, like what is happening now, then that is illegal. Then we can say that laws have been broken. And the fact that the Perak Mufti scolded the ISA detainees who insisted on performing their Friday prayers does not mean that the laws have not been broken. I thought Muslims are not allowed to amend God’s laws? Or have I gone to the wrong religious class?
So, Zahrain, bring that matter up in Parliament and get the government to clarify the matter. Also ask Parliament why no action was taken about the police report I made in the Sentul Police Station against the authorities for forbidding the ISA detainees from performing their Friday prayers. They are not asking to be allowed to walk to the mosque outside the detention camp. They just want to do their prayers within the detention camp. Yet that is not allowed. Islam konon! Podah!
And speak to Ibrahim Ali. Ibrahim Ali’s PERKASA is upset about the Chinese being given all the contracts and that none are going to the Malays. I am sure you too share this ‘Umno mentality’. After all, you too were denied the golf club contract in Penang, which should have rightfully been given to you since you are Malay. But the Chinese Chief Minister of Penang refused to give the contract to your RM2 company, which was formed only a couple of months before the tender, on the lame excuse that your company is dormant and therefore has no experience in that business.
Another contract that was given to the Chinese was the RM100 million turnkey hospital project in Kuala Lipis in Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s home state of Pahang. The company that got the project is George Kent (Malaysia) Berhad (see below). George Kent is owned by Tan Sri Tan Kay Hock, Najib’s golf buddy whom Malaysia Today wrote about earlier.
Was it right for the Prime Minister to give a huge contract worth RM100 million to his golf buddy? Is it not worse when you consider that George Kent does not have any experience or track record in the hospital turnkey business (just like your RM2 dormant company in Penang)? And what will Ibrahim Ali and his PERKASA say when they find out about this? I am sure Ibrahim Ali is already planning his next protest demonstration in front of Najib’s office even as you read this. And are not demonstrations ‘not Malay culture’, as Umno says?
Yes, Zahrain, there are links and there are links. Links meant to fight evil (nahi munkar) are mulia (noble) in the eyes of Islam. Links to rip off the rakyat’s money are evil in the eyes of Islam.
Taubat, Zahrain taubat (repent). You speak like the reincarnation of satan. You uphold evil and you fight against good. That is opposite to amar maaruf, nahi munkar. That is fuel for the fire of hell. Islam konon! Podah!
Zahrain takes aim at Anwar's influence abroad
Written by Chua Sue-Ann, The Edge
Independent Bayan Baru member of parliament (MP) Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim on Thursday, March 18, persisted with his attacks against opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, claiming that Anwar had "monopolised" the flow of information to the international scene.
Zahrain, who today resumed his debate on the royal address, claimed that a special assistant to Anwar (Permatang Pauh - PKR) had sought the cancellation of a forum organised by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington DC.
"This is because Permatang Pauh [Anwar] has, all along, monopolised any meeting with the US and determined what type of information can be transmitted to the US administration," Zahrain told the Dewan Rakyat today.
Zahrain said he was informed of the matter by the event's organiser when the former recently went to Washington DC as part of a Malaysian parliamentarians' delegation.
The CSIS forum on Feb 24 heard speeches from Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz (Padang Rengas - BN), Attorney-General Tan Seri Abdul Gani Patail and former Chief Justicec Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamed.
Zahrain, who was formerly PKR's Penang chief, then reprimanded the Barisan Nasional (BN) government and the diplomatic corp for "failing" to effectively explain the situation in Malaysia to the international stage.
"In my view, Pakatan Rakyat [PR] leaders are able to incite other countries to hate our country due to the weaknesses and failures of the government to seriously and systematically address the problem," he said.
Zahrain added that, while some ambassadors and diplomats may be quite professional in their work, they would sometimes "overlook the political importance and impact of an issue" to the country.
The fiesty newly independent MP then proposed that experienced politicians be appointed as ambassadors to "critical countries" including the UK, Australia, Turkey and the Middle East.
Zahrain also praised Nazri and and Malaysia's ambassador to the US Datuk Jamaluddin Jarjis (Rompin - BN) for their "succesful efforts" in breaking the opposition's "political mask".
The former PKR man was resuming his tirade against PR after he raised the temperature of the House yesterday when he revealed how he had been "fooled" into believing that PR would take over the federal government from BN on Sept 16, 2008.
Anwar's ongoing sodomy trial had intensified international attention and criticisms against Malaysia, with US Senator John Kerry and some 50 Australian MPs speaking up for Anwar's legal rights in the criminal trial.
Anwar was absent from parliament today as he is currently in London for meetings and lectures.
During his speech today, Zahrain also picked on Anwar's special assistant Aasil Kazi Ahmad, whom Zahrain said was an US-born Pakistani and asked the home ministry to "take stern action to expel such a treacherous character".
Next, Zahrain fired away at news portal Malaysiakini and controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin for working "hand in glove" with PR to perform character assassination against "anyone that is a stumbling block to their dream of snatching Putrajaya at all costs".
Zahrain claimed that Raja Petra was now in London, being "protected" in luxury dwellings belonging to a senior leader of PKR, prompting N Gobalakrishnan (Padang Serai - PKR) to dare Zahrain to name the person.
At this juncture, Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud (Kota Raja - PAS) lashed out at Zahrain for wasting the Dewan Rakyat's time with his allegations.
"This is similar to when husband and wife divorce, but when they were married, it was all beautiful. We have many issues to raise here. Speaker, we have wasted enough time. Why is it necessary for Bayan Baru to repeat what he said?
"[He says] this side, that side has spin doctors, this side and that side has hired tentera upahan [mercenaries]. This is politics. You [Zahrain] point one finger at Permatang Pauh (Anwar), but there are three more fingers pointing back at you," Siti Mariah said in an increasingly exasperated tone.
Datuk Mohamad Aziz (Sri Gading - BN) then told Siti Mariah that she should be thankful to Zahrain for revealing the latter's story.
Announcement by George Kent (Malaysia) BerhadAward of Contract – Proposal To Design, Build, Complete, Commission And Maintain Upgrading Works To Hospital Kuala Lipis Pahang:
George Kent (Malaysia) Berhad (“GKM”) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the abovementioned contract totalling RM97.75 million by Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia to undertake the upgrading of Hospital Kuala Lipis in Kuala Lipis, Pahang at a contract price of RM97.75 million.
The abovementioned scope of the contract encompasses the design and building of a 7-storey medical ward to house 106 hospital beds, minor operating theatres, some amenities, a car park, minor operating theatres and 106 hospital beds and other amenities and building services.
The contract works will commence with site possession on 26 in February, 2009 and is scheduled to be completed by 25 August July, 2011.
None of the Directors or substantial shareholders of GKM, or persons connected with them, has any interest, direct or indirect, in the abovementioned contract.
This announcement is dated 16th February 2009.
(Announcement to Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur: http://announcements.bursamalaysia.com/EDMS%5CAnnweb.nsf/LsvAllByID/482568AD00295D074825755F0032F243?OpenDocument)

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